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Jimmy Durante sings September Song (1955)

Worst Person: How Does Bill'O Still Have a Job After This?

The State of the Health Care Debate in 100 seconds

MrConrads says...

>> ^ForgedReality:
Palin is a fucking idiot. Can we just stop paying attention to her please?

"To stop those monsters 1-2-3,
Here's a fresh new way that's trouble-free,
It's got Paul Anka's guarantee...
Guarantee void in Tennessee.
Just don't look! Just don't look!
Just don't look! Just don't look!
Just don't look! Just don't look!"

TDS: The Crank Cycle

MrConrads says...

So, would an * eia tag apply to a video like this considering these people are actually fighting to maintain a "healthcare" system that works against their best interest?

Dear Lady in the audience and all other like minded dipshits,

Please move to another planet and stop fucking it up for the rest of us.


evil_disco_man (Member Profile)

Sarah Palin's Farewell Speech As Governor Of Alaska (part 1)

MrConrads says...

To stop those monsters 1-2-3,
Here's a fresh new way that's trouble-free,
It's got Paul Anka's guarantee...
Guarantee void in Tennessee.
Just don't look! Just don't look!
Just don't look! Just don't look!
Just don't look! Just don't look!

Kalle (Member Profile)

Bill Maher plays Hardball

Pat Buchanan: "This Has Been A Country Built by White Folks"

Kid Koala: Basin Street Blues

carrot (Member Profile)

The Cramps - Surfin Dead - Return of the Living Dead

Super in-flight footage from Blue Angels display

Carrie Prejean (former Ms CA) is finding people hate her now

MrConrads says...

We have a failing economy, wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, and *cough here at home in the US, North Korea threatening to "weaponize their plutonium", an ailing infrastructure, an auto industry in shambles, a banking system that still hasn't been fixed, high unemployment, out of control health care costs, and, um... how about we throw in a flu pandemic for shingles, and this is what gets air time? really?

Mike Spinner - first ever 1080º spin on a BMX bike

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