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evil_disco_man (Member Profile)

Fox Uses Actual Nazi Propaganda to Justify Torture

MrConrads says...

>> ^quantumushroom:
Oy vey! Torture is listening to this no-talent a-hole talk endlessly about torture.
How many of you lefties are willing to explain to the survivors and families of a terrorist attack why we didn't torture some piece of filth for the intel to stop it?
If it's more than 3, then you've just exceeded the number of deserving swine who've been waterboarded.

How many grieving Americans that have family members who have been killed in Iraq are you willing to explain your support for the war to quantum? When you do, don't forget to bring your pictures of the "weapons of mass destruction."

Better yet when was the last time you even thought twice about walking into a recruiters office and saying "sign me up!" How many people would you be willing to torture quantum? If the threat to this country is as grave as you and those like minded say it is, why haven't you signed up yet? Hmm, or maybe you have. Maybe the Army has a new top secret unit of soldiers whose mission it is to scour the internet for lefty havens and "give'm hell!" What is it, the 302nd troll brigade?
*wipes tear away... Carry on brave soldier!

Oy vey is right, but the real torture is reading comments from physical, and intellectual cowards that never have any intention of taking part in the disgusting acts they so adamantly support.

Nanking - Trailer for the 2007 Chinese War Documentary

GOP Rep Bachmann : 100% Wrong Once Again

Night and Fog Holocaust documentary

MrConrads says...

>> ^alizarin:
Half of this is credits, it's in French with Spanish subtitles and nothing visually interesting is going on. What was in the original?

It's the documentary "Night and Fog" by the renowned French director Alain Resnais. If you're curious you can google him, I'm sure there's plenty out there. As for this video, it's the opening credits and first few minutes of the documentary. The original one I posted was dead and this was the best I could find for the time being. The first video I posted also had english subtitles. There also might have been slightly less credits in the original post.

As for visually interesting what would you like, more explosions? It's about the holocaust.

Hillary's Eloquent Response to Republican on Woman's Rights

Michele Bachmann (R-MN): Carbon Dioxide Not A Harmful Gas

MrConrads says...

>> ^ObsidianStorm:
We're getting to the point that we really need to have congress members and candidates tested on their knowledge of and/or ability to understand science. These people shape our policy and impact the trajectory of society as a whole and to have individuals that wouldn't understand a seventh grade science quiz (let alone pass it) in these positions is as irresponsible as it is misguided.
I certainly would be in favor of some sort of science-savvy rating for congressional members (all public officials frankly) to help guide decision-making come election time.
Is there such a thing already?

Not an unreasonable idea really, actually a really good one. Most if not all individuals that run for office already have to take the "are they a christian" test. Why not a little science quiz while they're at it?

Michele Bachmann (R-MN): Carbon Dioxide Not A Harmful Gas

George Bush Commemorative Plate - Order Now!

Bird strike!

Keith Olbermann's "Worst Person in The World" Rush Limbaugh

Mike Tyson The Most Unintentionally Funny Man On The Earth

LOON WATCH: Glenn Beck Show issues a wingnut call to arms

MrConrads says...

How far will fox news and the cowards that work there be allowed to push the envelope before they get called what they really are? fox represents nothing less than a direct threat to America and its people.

MrFisk (Member Profile)

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