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Learned Helplessness

MichaelL says...

Not to say the concept is invalid but I'm not sure this experiment proves the point. I probably would have been still trying to solve the 'unsolvable' words before I went on to number three. They just ran out of time... nothing to do with learning 'helplessness'. A better structure would have been to flash the words one at a time to both groups. That way the 'dummies' don't get hung up trying to solve the words above. THEN compare what happens when both groups are simultaneously presented with word three.

There are awesome dog videos and then there's this!

Yasiin Bey (Mos Def) force-fed under standard Gitmo procedur

MichaelL says...

The use of the garb, camera focus, camera angles, etc was distracting and called attention to itself as a film PRODUCTION.
Would have been more powerful if he simply described the sensation in straight up documentary form as it was happening rather than the whimpering and crying which came off as scripted.


MichaelL says...

Very David Lynch inspired methinks?
The sound of this band is reminiscent of Julee Cruise. She provided some of the music for Twin Peaks -- which also starred Ray Wise.

The greatest MMA staredown of all time

MichaelL says...

Yeah, that whole guy who looks / nods down is the beta dude. It's crap. All these pickup artist sites promote that myth. Years ago, at my dojo we had a sixty-something black belt -- forget his dan but it was waay up there -- visit our club from Japan. Dude was amazingly fast and fit.
At one point, during the day's workshop we locked eyes and he bowed ever so slightly. But he never broke eye contact with me. There was no doubt as to who was the alpha male -- and it weren't me.

How-to Disarm a Gunman

MichaelL says...

Actually it's pretty easy to disarm someone within 3 feet of you -- the closer they are the better. (Bruce Lee popularized the idea but it's a concept that's been around for a long time.) We did it the other way though so as to break the trigger finger and keep the gun to the outside.
No need for a water pistol -- I would do this experiment.
I would get in front of a student, hands at my side. I WOULD TELL him: "I'm going to smack you in the forehead with my open hand. All you have to do is stop me. Ready?"
Within 3 feet you will always tag them EVEN WHEN THEY KNOW IT'S COMING. The human brain cannot perceive motion and react to it fast enough. Go ahead and try it for yourself...
The Hollywood cliche where one guy has a gun to the other guy's forehead makes me laugh. Dude could easily pluck that gun from him.
Now if the gunman is any further than 3 feet from you... then you ARE in trouble.

John Lennon Auditioning on The Voice

Everything Wrong With Independence Day

How Steve Irwin Reacts to the Deadliest Snake in America

MichaelL says...

The only time I ever saw him 'blink' was when he faced an aggressive cobra. It repeatedly attacked the camera, and was reared up about three feet off the ground. Irwin gamely tried to grab its tail a few times but the cobra snapped around pretty fast.
Irwin finally admitted defeat... "I think we'll let this one go..." and this freaky snake went off into the bush, its head still about three feet off the ground. WOULD NOT want to stumble across that in the bush...

Russell Brand on MSNBC Mocking Media

MichaelL says...

Meh... Pretty sure that everybody's panties stay dry here... The announcers don't know what to make of him, Brand keeps trying unsuccessfully to get control of the situation...
Brand's 'manic' stick is annoying in the way that Robin Williams is when he's 'on'. I'll bet some British impressionists do a good job of him though...

Prancercise: A Fitness Workout

Arrested Development ubercut: 18 running gags.

Black geese feeding the fish .

MichaelL says...

I think you're probably right or close to it. Swans are normally pretty ornery, dick-ish birds... I don't believe they would be this magnanimous...

Samaelsmith said:

Swans, not geese. Also, I don't believe they are feeding the fish, rather they are moistening the dry food and the fish are being opportunistic bastards.

Tarantino tells the infamous Scorsese story

Labiaplasty Prelude

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