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Walkin' in the Wind: People blown over in streets in Norway.

BASE Jump Goes Wrong....In Glorious HD!

***Painful*** Parkour Fail Compilation

Amazing Voice Impressions - Jake Foushee

Benedict Cumberbatch Does Chewbacca Impression

MichaelL says...

Getting old happens... well, to everyone else but me.

What's strange though is that in the previews I've seen for Ender's Game, he still looks more or less how I remember him. Assuming he filmed that last year or the year before, he seems to have aged rapidly and recently.

Benedict Cumberbatch Does Chewbacca Impression

Top 10 Memorable Scenes in Bad Movies

Gambit: Another Useless X-Man Gets Fired

Harrison Ford Takes $1,000 Bribe For New Star Wars Spoiler

A bear playing Tetherball

Daft Train - How To Dance Properly on Get Lucky

Carlin's daughter shows off cool thing she got from Dad

MichaelL says...

It saddens me to see that genuine smile on his face as a younger man because it underscores how bitter and cynical his humour became as he got older. I didn't find him funny in his last decade... his humour had devolved to simple rants... it was like the light had gone out inside...

The Circle of Life is smaller than you might think

Honest Trailers - The Matrix

Dad Uses Kit Kat Bar to Trick Baby Into Eating Veggies

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