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A different way of using saw

Brimstone missile shot from an MQ-9 Reaper drone

Dog + Laser = Alarm Clock

Magicpants says...

Somewhat disturbing that they did this with a green laser. These are just the sort of people who should not be allowed to have one. Reminds me of a coworker worker of mine who saw I had a laser on my desk; she immediately picked it up, pointed it into her eye, and turned it on, while exclaiming "Ohh! laser." Thankfully it was a red laser, and she suffered no real damage.

Anyway the jackass with the green laser could have easily damaged the sleeping guy's vision.

Boy Stands up at City Council on Bullying

Magicpants says...

Yeah the title is a bit a-hole. I'd bet at least some of the kid's teachers know, they just don't want to get involved. It's not the kids fault he's being bullied, it he moved to a different school, the bullies would just find someone else to pick on.

How chicken McNuggets are made... in Canada

Magicpants says...

The pink goop was in hamburgers. The allegations on the McNuggets was that they are primarily made of chicken skin. This video admits they add skin but doesn't say how much. They also turn delicious looking whole chicken breast meat into a sponge like form which they "mold" into shapes. My take away is that this was done primarily for show and chicken McNuggets are primarily made from chicken skin. Yum Yum

Richard Sherman makes second best commercial ever

Dune - Sweded

The Eleventh Doctor Regenerates...The Twelfth Doctor Appears

Magicpants says...

I personally would rather watch someone entertaining and fun than young and pretty as the Doctor. For young and pretty there's always porn (I assume you must be into guys), maybe you could start a kickstarter for a new series called "Doctor Whung"

billpayer said:

the worst minute of television ever. From epic to epic fail.
that guy looks like he has ant legs stitched to his bug eyed head.
way to alienate your entire YA audience.
"kidneys, I've got kidneys"... Grreeaaattttt line, not.

WTF Happened to Movie Posters?

Magicpants says...

I don't think it has much to do with money, the studios could certainly afford to make great art for each of their movies. It comes down to what sells, cryptic artwork doesn't really tell you what's in a movie. You need to think of a poster as a 3 second commercial for your movie.

Police Harass Homeowner Over Washing Car in Driveway

Magicpants says...

Link to a product or that's as believable as this guy's story. The only reason one would have a power washer for such a POS car is if he's planning on washing a great volume. I bet he keeps that car less than a week...

...and in his next video, dated just 3 weeks later, the car he just bought is nowhere to be found. If you take this guy at face value, you're being played like a $2 violin, and I'll sell you a bridge for $2 more.

Payback said:

$75 costco "Snapon" POS. It's junk.

Police Harass Homeowner Over Washing Car in Driveway

Magicpants says...

That's an awfully nice power washer to be washing such a crappy car with. Something isn't adding up here. I might suspect these guys buy a lot of cars to sell (flip) them, and are constantly washing new stock in front of their house. As such they'd be running a business in a residential neighborhood.

NASA's 3D Printer Makes Pizza

#XMAS JAMMIES - Video WTF christmas card

Family Guy - Brian Is Back! (Stewie saves Brian Griffin)

Magicpants says...

I still like that show, pretty much only for the Stewie-Brian dynamic. Without Brain, it'd be like the Simpsons if Homer ever got his act together. Plus Vinnie was the most unlikeable character in all of television history (he made jokes about crippling gay people for Christ-sakes)

The Power of Empathy - Empathy Vs. Sympathy

Magicpants says...

While I generally agree with what she is saying, trying to empathize with someone with whom you can't, can make you seem phony.
I've had the opportunity to spend some time with people stricken with quadriplegia over the last few years, and most people can not even begin to understand what it's like to deal with that.

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