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Deleted scene from Alien shows different reproductive cycle

Deleted scene from Alien shows different reproductive cycle

South Park Accurately Sums up Freemium Games

Magicpants says...

Dude, 20 years is a long time to go without eating.
People were paying up front for games 20 years ago... so yes.

Anyway I've worked for several free to pay companies, and while South Park almost gets it right, they've missed an important aspect. It's all about landing whales, the vast majority of people do not, and never will pay for a game, I think the percentage of players who pay is something like 0.3% So it's all about making the whales feel important, they are essentially paying the developers for the admiration of other players. Anyway, I got out of free to play because I think it leads to bad game design (something the South Park video gets right.)

This is of course different from PC to console and mobile.With mobile being the worst, but PC MMOs, for example, have almost all gone free to play.

The bottom line is that if you're not paying for something, odds are whoever owns (and pays for it) it will have to end up selling you.

Kalle said:

Game developers were making awesome games and were well fed 20 years ago.. so no

South Park Accurately Sums up Freemium Games

Bowling Ball and Feather dropped in largest vacuum chamber

Magicpants says...

He didn't, at least not according to "Einstein: His Life and Universe." where he is reported to have said that his happiest thought was that Gravity and Acceleration are equivalent. It was a breakthrough for him to realize that a man in a falling elevator wouldn't feel the force of gravity, because they are the same thing.

ChaosEngine said:

Wait, I want to know what happens!

Why did Einstein say the ball and feather weren't accelerating toward earth?

Kitty in a Trance

10 Hours of Walking in NYC as a Woman

Magicpants says...

Even the stuff that's not really harassment seems really annoying, it reminds me of the charity collectors that I have to deal with every time I go to the grocery store(I don't want to have to explain why I'm not donating to their homophobic charity every time I buy toothpaste). Makes me want to start a kickstarter for a t-shirt that changes to read "f*ck off" whenever someone you don't want to talk to talks to you.

Instant Karma

Magicpants says...

There's a serious lack of information on both sides. I don't believe in damning someone until I know all the facts, and I think the situation as presented by the vloggers is disingenuous because they present the attack as being unprovoked, when it looks like it has something to do with a man being unwilling filmed. Yes, violence is wrong, but it looks like the attackee had a chance to deescalate the situation and instead chose to "poke the bear".

sillma said:

You are basing that guess on serious lack of information, could be he started to film the guy because he was already calling him derogatory terms and being aggressive.

Cultural Appropriation

Magicpants says...

Reminds me of a discussion I got into with some friends about why is it okay to be a ninja for Halloween but not a geisha. They are both Japanese professions, both have had non-Asians in said profession, it seems a little random about what's racist and what isn't.

Instant Karma

Magicpants says...

Hmmm, if you watch the beginning carefully the guy he attacked was filming him without his permission. The angry guy asks him to stop, and the man tells him, "I'm not going to stop." The angry man calls the man a homosexual because he's filming him without his consent, and then attacks him. But he does not attack the man simply because he thinks he's homosexual.

Mechanic Saves Damage To Classic Car TWICE.

Politics in the Animal Kingdom: Single Transferable Vote

Magicpants says...

Hey sorry, I didn't mean to piss you off. I'm actually a big fan of ranked voting, and was just wondering why this issue wasn't addressed in the video. Also as a software developer, I would caution you that edge cases happen all the time, and it's a lot easier to fix a software bug then sort out corrupted data.

ChaosEngine said:

Jesus, it's a short informational video about STV. It's not meant as the definitive guide to it.

If you want to learn about it, educate yourself. Meanwhile, stop inventing edge cases that will never happen to convince yourself that STV doesn't work. It does and it's been implemented in plenty of democracies the world over.

Personally, I think MMP is a preferable system, but almost anything is better than FPP.

Politics in the Animal Kingdom: Single Transferable Vote

Magicpants says...

That doesn't work. Take a situation with candidates A,B, C and D; and 100 votes. If candidate A receives 67 votes (with D receiving 1 second place vote, and 66 "no second choices" ). B Receives 20 votes (with A as a second choice for all voters). C receives 13 votes, and D receives no 1st place votes. In your method D would inherit 33 votes and get elected, even though only person voted for D (as a 2nd choice behind A!)

I'd expect each candidate to receive 8/34ths of a vote with the extra 16/34ths staying with the original candidate. Regardless, the video itself doesn't address this situation, and it therefore flawed(Even if the voting system isn't).

ChaosEngine said:

That's a made up scenario. No-one is ever going to have an electorate of 100 voters, I only used that figure to make the math easier.

But let's multiply everything by 100, so we have an electorate of 10000 with 3334 votes needed to get elected (much more realistic).

In your scenario, white tiger has 666 surplus votes.

The 1600 people with "no second choice" are ignored, and the votes are split 3 ways (222 votes each) to Orange Tiger, Silverback and Monkey (who's not even running in the electorate ).

edit: fixed the math

Politics in the Animal Kingdom: Single Transferable Vote

Magicpants says...

What happens if white tiger gets 34 votes with 6 to orange tiger, 6 to silverback, 6 to monkey, and 16 to "no second choice"?

ChaosEngine said:

There's no assumption going on, the electorate decide who their second choice is.

To make things easy, let's imagine an electorate of 100 voters, with 3 representatives and a 33% threshold.
So let's say 60 people give White Tiger their no.1 and among those people, their second vote is spilt 40 to Orange Tiger and 20 to Silverback.

So White Tiger has 27 surplus votes. Those surplus votes are divided by proportion to Orange Tiger and Silverback.

So in this case Orange Tiger gets 66% of the surplus vote and Silverback 33% giving them 18 and 9 votes respectively.

Politics in the Animal Kingdom: Single Transferable Vote

Magicpants says...

Except it doesn't work, the flaw occurs when applying unused votes to other candidates, this video assumes everyone who picked white tiger for their first choice will pick orange tiger as their second.

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