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QI - "What happens if you eat nothing but rabbit?"

What Happens When You Eject Out Of A Jet At 800 MPH

Lolthien says...

>> ^aurens:

Funny: I don't find it at all hard to argue with the results. It was billions of years of biological evolution—particularly the development of coping mechanisms for acute stresses—that saved Captain Udell, not his appeal to the (presumably) Christian god. (Surely I don't need to explain the difference between correlation and causation, do I?) And yes, if he really did pause to pray, then his religious impulse was self-defeating: it delayed the instinctual biological responses that eventually saved his life.
The difference between me and the Westboro Baptist Church—I'll spell it out—is in intention, delivery, and degree. Of course, your criticism lost all its punch as soon as you went off the deep end in equating me with those crazies.
I learned from the Hitch, thankfully, to be weary of people like you, people who want to chastise—or, worse, forbid—the criticism of religion on the grounds that it's unacceptably irreverent. Well, goddamn right its irreverent (in the etymological sense); that's the point.>> ^Asmo:
Both are insensitive and intolerant towards people who have not offered any overt offense. Both are self justified and self righteous. I don't see much of a difference, even if you pan it off as humour.
Besides, the humour would have been closer to the target if the guy had actually died from his "self-defeating religious impulses". As it stands, he lived versus incredible odds in spite of taking time for prayer. Kinda hard to argue with the results in this case... X D

You are weary of his calling you a douche, and he is weary of you calling a guy whose body has been blown apart and is barely holding himself together for his wife and kids an idiot.

Way to raise the level of discourse here fellas.

The Day I Met Dave

The Day I Met Dave

Kitteh takes bubble bath (and loves it)

What Happens When 500 People Trace the Same Line?

Lolthien says...

With all due respect, isn't this more of an example of the aging process rather than evolution? If it were evolution the line would get straighter and straighter over time with the unfit ones weeded out (or the line would come closer to some other arbitrary goal).

But in this case, errors add up and multiply over time, which is what happens as an animal ages right? The total sum of errors eventually causing the organism to stop working at all.

An interesting experiment, but not related to evolution really. At least not biological evolution.

>> ^therealblankman:

Not a very good metaphor for Darwinian evolution at all, this merely illustrates mutation without the natural selection and differential survival part. Many of these mutations would have been unsuccessful, and would have most certainly died out.

>> ^westy:

LOL thias has pritty much nothing to do with evolution more to do with "noise" and data corruptions for this to be an analgy to evolutoin u would have to enfirce an environmental factor that cussed the "noise" to progate in varouse directions due to selective benefit.

>> ^BoneRemake:

>> ^DerHasisttot:
>> ^BoneRemake:
This makes absolutely no sense to me.

The people tracing the line only see the last line before theirs. Bcause noone can trace the previous line exactly like the one before, little differences occur.
In nature, no two people of different mothers are alike, because every time the genes involved change in miniscule ways = variation.

Thanks, makes sense now that I know they did not see the lines previous just the one previous. I was trying to grasp how it all of a sudden looked like an upside down question mark, it seemed ridiculous.

WTF Jim Beam

Lolthien says...

>> ^kceaton1:

>> ^Lolthien:
>> ^probie:
Never drank Jim Beam, especially once I found out they were limiting their employees bathroom breaks a few years back. Talk about having a squirt of ol' Kentucky...

Jim Beam is made in Tennesee.

I think his point still stands. I think he just meant it came from some shitty place.
/I know, I know: DIAF, "one ticket", ...whatever...

Hey, speaking as a guy from KY, bourbon is one of the very few things to be proud of from my state, so how about you back off just a bit and make fun of our senators or Rand Paul or something. But just leave our whiskey alone.

Fox News Bites and Rep. Weiner Bites Back

Lolthien says...

lol, QM, if you really think those various media outlets are all the same, you really do have some sort of brain tumor.. comparing NPR and " Most "rebellious" musical acts and assorted "artists"" isn't really valid... you are a blatant troll, but congrats for all the attention you're getting. BTW, NPR is the most balanced news network around. My tax dollars pay for your right to free speech too jackhole, so shut up about friggin Sesame Street and Mr Rodgers.

Dramatic Corgi Flop

Lolthien says...

>> ^wagthedog1:

>> ^ForgedReality:
Strange how a lot of the frames morph together like this was just a collection of individual photos blended together using semi-intelligent edge detection, as opposed to using, say, oh I dunno, A VIDEO CAMERA...?

Use of a cheap video camera explains why this slo-mo has big fail all over it. The camera man did absolutely nothing recommended in this guide to help the time remapping/frame interpolation filter in After Effects get a super slo-mo result. Also recommended practice is individual tuning of motion sensitivity when using such plug-ins.
If you want to see what a good frame interpolation plug-in can achieve slowing down regular video, type "Twixtor" into the search bar of your favorite video sharing site.

Holy crap dude. That's WAY too much analysis over a corgi in slow motion video.

Hey man, Have You Seen My Friends?

Lolthien says...

>> ^jbaber:

Look at the human.

Actually, that does help. I didn't realize he gestured at the cat before it took off. Still not gonna upvote (like it needs me or something) but I do get it now.

WTF Jim Beam

Lolthien says...

>> ^probie:

Never drank Jim Beam, especially once I found out they were limiting their employees bathroom breaks a few years back. Talk about having a squirt of ol' Kentucky...

Jim Beam is made in Tennesee.

Hey man, Have You Seen My Friends?

Lolthien says...

Alright, I guess maybe my soul has died and my heart has turned to a dried prune husk within my chest... but I really don't get this. There are three cats who run away, and a fourth cat comes by later, pauses, and then follows the same path as the others.... someone please tell me what I've missed and how this got so high on the list.

Fifty People One Question

Lolthien says...

>> ^xxovercastxx:

I found myself irritated by people who asked questions to which the answers are readily available...
I guess that says as much about me as it does about them.

I'm pretty sure your comment is a pretty strong point in favor of this video.

Dog Pack Feeding With Patience.

Lolthien says...

Whoa whoa whoa... this is nothing like torturing them. He has a large pack of powerful dogs, and he has to be the pack leader. The minute those dogs think he's there to serve THEM is the minute they bite a four year old.

This guy is doing them a great service, and I wouldn't have been upset if he waited another five minutes. Challenge your dog, give him or her a reason to feel proud. He is not denying them food, he is making them work for it.

I for one found this to be a very impressive display. None of those dogs looked beaten or hurt. Well done guy, and some of you who think this is torture either don't have dogs, or you have dogs that you can't let out of your sight without tearing shit up.

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