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6 phrases with racist origins you may have been unaware

Lawdeedaw says...

You have to tag people when you call them out. Add the @ symbol so they know. Ie., @newtboy. There.

devbop said:

I must remember-- never read the comments!

newtboy, she very clearly gives the current meanings of all of these terms, so she clearly understands how words have different meanings over time. How could you have missed that?

And your citationless guesses about historical Romani behavior is just straight up racism. At least gorillaman doesn't rationalize his hate.

Epic Rap Battles of History Deadpool Versus Bobba Fett

Camel Flings Man by the Head

Lawdeedaw says...

So a man nearly getting his neck snapped is a-okay but animal butchery is not...seems you would disdain both with a passion. There is a happy channel out there where they have videos expressly for certain people.

newtboy said:

There, and also we differ in the fact that I would never post a distressing video like that without a strong warning that it starts off with a camel who's just had it's throat sliced open brutally and obviously with no thought for it's pain or fear, and I certainly would never title it in a way that implies you'll see the opposite...a healthy camel almost beheading a man...that's another place we differ.

When I'm tricked into thinking I'll see a video of a camel assaulting a human, and instead I'm assaulted with images of people being douchebag humans to animals, my patience goes right out the window. It's why the Humane Society will never get a dime from me, even though I think they do good work, they're douchebags that inflict intentional emotional distress in an effort to gain support. I'll rail against that every time I think I see it.

EDIT: How about just add "1/2 butchered" to the beginning of your title, that'll stop any further complaints I think.

Camel Flings Man by the Head

Lawdeedaw says...

I noticed. I wouldn't guess you would downvote it for it's content, which is that people who fuck with nature often get fucked back. Of course you could have just said so before casting a permanent vote, as I did just recently when someone posted a video and labeled it incorrectly, but then I guess that is where me and you differ.

newtboy said:

Yes please.
I got 3 seconds in and was horrified at what I was watching, and didn't make it to the camels revenge.
@Lawdeedaw Please change to "Bloody Camel With Throat Cut Flings Man by the Head " or something else with a warning of what the video is really about. I would never have watched a second if I had known...and I did downvote because of that.

Camel Flings Man by the Head

Lawdeedaw says...

You have the power to *NSFW, correct? But in all seriousness, animal butchery is not particularly NSFW. We chop up frogs at school with prepubescent children, and medical students watch brains dissected. Point is, until the reason is known I abstain from a certain judgment towards these people. I have respect for the camel regardless, as it shows that the camel is not so weak and harmless as people oft think of them. But camel lives, camel dies. I feel bad for it if it is torture, otherwise it is as natural as anything else of nature.

With that said, respect for the animal is paramount.

iaui said:

Needs a big [NSFL] tag at the beginning of the title, at least.

Why the Electoral College Ruins Democracy

Lawdeedaw says...

Swing states have nothing to do with the electoral college as much as they do with other rules set up that determine when they are held. You could have this in a system that lets other states vote first but goes off the popular vote. His idea that winner-takes-all, however, is correct when it points out how dumb that shit is

Star Trek Beyond - Trailer 1

Star Trek Beyond - Trailer 1

The Nice Guys - Trailer

Camel Flings Man by the Head

Lawdeedaw says...

And so should every video of animals devouring animals--but those get a pass somehow... I saw a video of a rat hiding from a cat in an ingenious manner, but the rat eventually was smelled out and grabbed and eaten. Broke my heart actually. Like damn it gave its all. But then I never cried for censorship, although I won't watch it again.

Edit added,


Or wait, did you incorrectly think this video was condoning or making light of animal abuse? If so what on earth gave you that misinterpretation? If the people are just abusing it for religion or such shit I say I wish it broke the man's neck. But if it was for a legitimate reason (ie., an injury, food, etc.,) then that is unknown. Either way, the video was merely about the POWER of animals, not abuse.

hallen said:

This video is a horrible example of animal abuse.
It should banned.

Camel Flings Man by the Head

Lawdeedaw says...

It is an example of why not to fuck with animals. And butchery of animals happens everywhere people need meat (Or in "civil" socitieties anywhere an animal attacks a human for no reason.)

So put it in perspective with your cultural-lens off.

hallen said:

This video is a horrible example of animal abuse.
It should banned.

Adam Ruins Vitamins!

Lawdeedaw says...

He is attacking people's belief in the mythic powers of vitamins, not necessarily the need for them.

Mordhaus said:

Kind of glossed over some things. Yes, in many cases vitamin supplements are only needed if you have a poor diet or other condition interfering with your required levels. Yes, Vitamin C is not going to cure a cold.

But, there are still studies being done that show it 'might' have a long term effect on cancer if you get your minimum daily requirement. There are also studies being done on other vitamin usage for long term disease factors.

So, while you really don't want or need to overdose yourself with vitamin supplements, it doesn't hurt to make sure you are getting the proper amount daily either by eating healthy or taking a supplement to fill in what you do need.

Then again, it is the tagline that he ruins stuff, so I can see why he would leave it a bit vague for comedy.

Independence Day 2 Resurgence: Trailer

Lawdeedaw says...

Yeah but you're making a sequel from gold (haha, get it) and making one of not cool.

poolcleaner said:

There's nothing quite like a trashy scifi with some money and some history behind it. Also, didn't you know, if you take a shitty scifi script all you need to do is add some Jeff Goldblum and now it's a cult classic. This recipe has been around for as long as Jeff Goldblum has acted.

Will it Pie?

creationist student gets owned

Lawdeedaw says...

And @lv_hunter, she asked a creationist question but is she a student of creationism? I assume there are schools like that, backward places that have no credentials, but it would be nice to know so in order to get her intent. If you are unsure could you change the name of the video to better reflect that she is simply asking a question and not officially a student as stated?

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