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Liberal Redneck chimes in on NFL and the National Anthem

John Green Debunks the Six Reasons You Might Not Vote

Lawdeedaw says...

Why would Republicans ever care if they lose the presidency but keep their power? Same with Democrats? Regardless of who wins or loses these elections, they still maintain their power...

Babymech said:

Well, since the 'chump' is the one that got furthest of those two candidates, I don't know if a valuable lesson was learned at all. I think it's equally likely that the system will get more polarized along that axis as well - that the Republicans will double down on the crazy populism next time around, continuing the trend of Palin to Cain to Trump, and the Democrats will want to play it even safer* and more establishment because of the gaping maw of insanity on the other side.

It might even be that this is the preferred way for this to shake out in their eyes - the Democrats go on to take the White House this term and the next, and the Republicans lose the presidency but gain more ground on the local level. I'm not saying that the Republicans want to lose the presidency, but since almost every local Republican runs on the premise that they'll stand up to Washington, it doesn't hurt to be in opposition. Supporting Trump might not get you the white house but it might make you mayor. Plus, that's where the Koch money is, for now.

*On the other hand, let's not go nuts. Right now, given how the election's turned out, Clinton seems like an incredibly establishment, incredibly traditional politics, choice - but when they made the decision to run, it must have still seemed like a risky move, since no woman had ever made it all the way before. I can't imagine that anyone predicted what this race would look like (?), so maybe the 'lesson' from 2016 can't be accurately applied by either party.

Trump Jokes That Gun Owners Can 'Fix' the Clinton Problem

Lawdeedaw says...

Obama seemed to think so... "It was described by the New York Times as “one of the worst days” of her career, and the Obama campaign said the remarks were “unfortunate” and had “no place in this campaign." Boom...

And also, what the fuck? Maybe the second amendment people take her out--at the voting booths and vote for him? There was the implication for that. Bad implication. He didnt mean it. But it is there.

heropsycho said:

Ummm, no.

Hillary Clinton said she would continue her primary campaign because you never know, and gave RFK's assassination as an historical example of someone who appeared to have the nomination well in hand, and then suddenly didn't. She CLEARLY wasn't telling anyone to go assassinate Obama, nor implying it.

The only valid defense of this Trump clip is he was talking about the people can use their guns to stop their guns from being taken away, which at best is inciting violence against the government. The worst part is he's telling hardcore gun right advocates they could do this against the odds on favorite next president of the US for a policy she doesn't even support.

There is no equivalency between Hillary Clinton's remark and this Donald Trump clip at all, just like even if you don't like Hillary Clinton at all, equating Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton as candidates is also ridiculous.

Donald Trump Asked Adviser Why US Can't Use Nuclear Weapons

Lawdeedaw says...

Sadly Trump would be unsuccessful trying to nuke other countries. I say sadly because if Hilary wants to she just has to frame them for some shit and she will get her way, and nukes will fly. Yup.

Turn On, Tune In, Feel Good | Full Frontal with Samantha Bee

Lawdeedaw says...

On a funny aside, a Muslim tried to murder me in real life. Oh he hit hard as a bull, I can say that much. But fucker had no idea who I was. I was born with murder around me. I grew up waiting to die by a sociopath. Beaten, broken, the cycle never ending. Motherfucker didn't hit near hard enough even though everyone thought I might die.

And about ten "moderate" Muslims stood by while he tried to break my skull open. But after he broke his fists on my face I just stood up like a badass and dropped him on his face. I showed restrain to this would-be murderer, lol. I let him live and didn't even retaliate.

I actually applaud that psychopath, but the others that should have felt empathy that someone was being "killed" in front of their eyes, them I blame. And one had the audacity, the fucking audacity, to partially blame me for not calling the police...haha, silly Muslims, tricks are for kids. Guess my children don't need a father, eh? Guess my wife doesn't need a husband, eh. Because the moderates know what is in the Book.

bareboards2 said:

You're right. I don't remember every conversation I have ever had.

Besides, people can change their mind.

So I go by what they say.

All the various Christian sects go back to the same book. Well, the Mormons have their extra bit, but they read the bible too.

There are plenty of Muslims who interpret their holy book in different ways.

I stand by my downvote as perpetuating harmful stereotypes.

PS Plenty of smiting and capital punishment in the Bible. No different than the Quran.

Turn On, Tune In, Feel Good | Full Frontal with Samantha Bee

Lawdeedaw says...

Agreed all religious books hate gays, subjugate women and worse. But protect your Koran. Just don't ever pretend to be progressive or for equal rights. Not sure what happened to the old bareboards2, guess something changed. And btw, I don't remember everything, but I do remember people and their hearts. That part is so fucking easy I seriously think other people just don't care. I want equality, and that sometimes means people are equally full of shit--ie. religious texts. And also, no fucking way can someone defend it as being "interpreted differently by different people." Maybe a book says kill all the faggots and certain people would say it means kill them with kindness, but only a truly fucking ignorant person would think that about followers of that religion. I couldn't care less about prejudice against a book.

bareboards2 said:

You're right. I don't remember every conversation I have ever had.

Besides, people can change their mind.

So I go by what they say.

All the various Christian sects go back to the same book. Well, the Mormons have their extra bit, but they read the bible too.

There are plenty of Muslims who interpret their holy book in different ways.

I stand by my downvote as perpetuating harmful stereotypes.

PS Plenty of smiting and capital punishment in the Bible. No different than the Quran.

Turn On, Tune In, Feel Good | Full Frontal with Samantha Bee

Lawdeedaw says...

First, I always point out Christianity's faults, specifically Westborough and Mormon's like you listened to me for years, then decided to belligerently use something I said over and over again against me just because it felt good? I get that you can't remember everything we talk about, but the gist should be gotten at least.

Second, just like the Bible, the book itself is homophobic. Are there fantastic Muslims? Sure. Just like I am sure there are good Scientologists, which I am sure you must defend. But their religion is against psychology medication, period. Does that mean all practice it? No? Well shit, then their doctrine gets a free pass!

I spoke only of their book--not of them. You then support that book, so not sure if that qualifies as supporting Muslims in general (Hint, since I NEVER once said anything about Muslims themselves, you didn't actually defend them. That means you supported the literal doctrine of the Koran.)

So to explain how your Progressive beliefs jive with the Koran?

bareboards2 said:

I downvoted your comment because it was ignorant of the variety of beliefs held by a variety of Muslims, and it perpetuates that ignorance.

As they say about spotting possible terrorist activity -- If you see something, say something.

Or even better, Jon Stewart's applying it to bullshit, same thing. If you see something, say something.

Just following some very good advice from a variety of sources across the political landscape.

After all, we have Westboro Baptist Church. Who says that they represent Christianity? Nobody. NOBODY.

Turn On, Tune In, Feel Good | Full Frontal with Samantha Bee

Samantha Bee - Democracy, Interrupted

Lawdeedaw says...

And she confuses incremental progress with no progress. Our nation came around to better equality, not our pols. Corporate progress? War nation progress? Yes, that's Hilary. Seems that without Jon Stewart to lead her around by the hand Samantha Bee just became a corporate whore. Hello morals? Meet stupid.

Samantha Bee - Democracy, Interrupted

Lawdeedaw says...

I just want the audacity of Clinton to be slapped off her face. The problem is that after this election, if Clinton wins, the next two will be even more vile. That is the product of voting evil. It just gets worse as it is promoted as standard winning practice.

Babymech said:

I'm all in favor of every Bernie supporter voting Hillary at this point, but I'm also starting to feel that Full Frontal is getting really sanctimonious and condescending with these pieces. Pretending that the only thing Bernie hold-outs were upset about was the number of votes Hillary got is just disingenuous and arrogant.

Turn On, Tune In, Feel Good | Full Frontal with Samantha Bee

Bill Maher: New Rule - The Notorious HRC

WERD: The Lesser of Two Evils

Seth Meyers-DNC Day Two: A Closer Look

Melania Trump Plagiarizes Michelle Obama

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