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why is the media ignoring the sanders campaign?

Lawdeedaw says...

Here, let me see if you agree.

Basically, there were three camps around Ron Paul.

1st was the conservative camp. 2nd was the liberal camp. 3rd was the everyone who voted for Paul camp.

In the 1st one people hated Paul because he didn't follow their platform. He didn't want to ban abortion at the level of the federal government, he didn't want to make gay marriage illegal with a broad pen stroke and he wasn't keen on telling people they could drink but not smoke pot. He believed the states should decide.

In other words, this camp was solely based on their own selfish beliefs. Me me me, greed greed greed. Give me. Fuck the honest guy.

In the second camp people hated Paul because he didn't follow their platform. He didn't want federal government handouts, one-sized fits-all approach to education or legalization of gay marriage or abortion at the federal level. He believed states should decide.

In other words, this camp was solely based on their own selfish beliefs. Me me me, greed greed greed. Give me. Fuck the honest guy.

Then there was the 3rd camp. They valued him as a candidate, and said fuck the platform. Platform voting has been destroying our country and polarizing our nation since the beginning.

What makes me so pissed is that the first 2 camps believe they were doing the right thing. Like a rapist in India trying to make a lesbian straight...yeah, great morals there guys...these delusional whack jobs disgust me. Yeah, it is fine to vote against Ron Paul without being labeled as such, so long as you 100% believed your candidate was morally superior to Paul. And as long as that belief had nothing to do with platform...

Or am I just being a prick?

enoch said:


if you are referring to the established political class,the pundit class and those with relative power and influence i would agree with your assertions.

which is pretty much what i am talking about.

if you look how ron paul was being treated by his own party and compare that treatment to sanders by the DNC,there are some glaring similarities.

while both paul and sanders have differing politics,they did align in a few areas i.e: audit the fed,citizens united,money in politics and restructuring the military to name a few.

they both had/have immensely popular grassroots support.ron paul garnering 20 million in small donations and sanders broke that record with 30 million.

they both held large rallies with high attendance.

they both had a populist flavor that appealed to their own political base.challenging the current corrupt power structures.

and they both have/had experienced a weird media blackout,even though they were/are incredibly popular with the voters.

now we can question WHY that is,but i don't think it too much a stretch to come to the conclusion that both candidates challenged the current power structures that dictate this countries dysfunctional and corrupt political system.add to that mix a paid propaganda pundit class that never challenges the current narrative,all put on display on corporate media which is owned by what? 5-6 entities? who just happen to be the biggest lobbyists in this country?

nader experienced pretty much the exact same treatment from the DNC in regards to media exposure and it went even further in his case with him being outright denied to some debates,or made to jump through almost insurmountable dictates to even get ON the debates.

so when i assert this is a well crafted and intentional practice by the parties,i do so with precedent.

because all three,nader,paul and sanders all had/have massive public support from the voters,but not their respective parties.

so when ron paul started to become a real thorn in the RNC,who did not want him anywhere near the nomination.they changed the tactic from ignoring or downplaying pauls creating the "kook" myth.this was from his own party!!

nader received similar treatment,though in a different context.the establishment as a whole came out against him.

so what can we assume,based on previous tactics from these political parties in regards to sanders?when they can no longer ignore his popularity? his grassroots campaign donations? his rally attendances?

there will soon come a time when they can no longer ignore sanders and his grassroots success,and they will respond the exact same way they did with nader and paul.they will concoct a narrative that plays on peoples fears and biases and begin to portray sanders as an anti-capitalist "kook".that somehow him being a democratic socialist means the end of our civilization.just the word "socialist' makes many a republican wet their panties.

could i be wrong?
oh please god let me be wrong.
i happen to like much of what sanders is promoting,not everything,i have issues with some of what he proposes,but over-all i dig not only what he is saying but how he is going about conveying his message.

there is one huge problem if sanders gets the nod,and that is the support you mentioned.he has almost none in the legislature.which will make much of what he is trying to change in washington damn near impossible.

which will create it own political mess and just create fodder for the pundit class to ineffectually pontificate on,just so they can have a job.

i think it would be such a great thing for this country if sanders got the nomination,but the establishment has already made its intentions clear:they dont want sanders,they want hillary.the establishment does not play by the rules nor do they play nice.

playing by the rules and being decent is for the peasant class.

hope i am wrong.
i hope that every single point i made will never occur.
i hope that sanders gets the nod and things may change,because this country needs a fucking enema.
but my cynicism really struggles with that kind of hopeful optimism.

why is the media ignoring the sanders campaign?

Lawdeedaw says...

Ron Paul was not goofy, but he was a (partially) fringe candidate. The gold standard being his biggest kookiness. But as far as just being loved by libertarians, well, that's what the media sold and that's what some poor saps actually believe.

As more a liberal leaning guy I swapped parties to vote for Paul. His honesty was nice but would have been unverifiable. However, his willingness to buck those he could have been bought by and made president from amazed me. He wasn't a populist except insofar as that his message was against those in power.

But what is most funny is this. Paul didn't do bad in the polls for basically being a 3rd party candidate. In that he smashed Nader and most other 3rd party candidates. Even knowing his defeat, those still willing to show their vote to him was astonishing. Now some would argue that he technically wasn't third party since he ceremoniously went under the Republican brand...but that's about stupid logic there.

ChaosEngine said:

"if this tactic is unsuccessful,they will do what they did to ron paul and demonize sanders.they will portray him as a "kook" a weird,fringe "goofy' candidate.which is exactly what was done to ron paul."

Except that Paul WAS a goofy, fringe candidate. He had no mainstream support from either side. Sure, the libertarians loved him, but the conservatives hated his stance on drugs and progressives hated his stance on, well, pretty much everything else.

Sanders probably has more actual support amoung his liberal base than Paul did amoung the conservatives, but there's a very real chance that he WOULD lose a presedential race against a moderate conservative.

Don't get me wrong, I'd love to see Sanders get in. Ironically, I think the only chance he has is if Trump gets the republican nod.

DAIRY IS F**KING SCARY! The industry explained in 5 minutes

Lawdeedaw says...

And she is pretty discriminatory too. Yes, most vegetarians partake of such a diet because they are environmentally conscious. But many are not. Many cannot eat meat, or health-wise choose not to. Lumping people together is as old as cheese

enoch said:

oh gawd i need to share the horror.

fine lady,you have properly grossed me out enough to never drink milk or eat cheese.

whats next? eggs?

and is it my imagination or did she give a slight,under the table jab,at vegetarians for not being vegetarian enough?

this women is going to be an epic jewish mother!!!
(or italian)
(or german)
(or korean)
(or mexican)

canadian man faces jail for disagreeing with a feminist

Lawdeedaw says...

"When someone did shoot Bin Laden, everyone cheered. If someone seriously assaulted Bieber, even people who are annoyed by him would say that's going too far. "


You are waaaay to kind to people...I've said that before, and the answer has always been dismissed, but it seems true.

If Justin was assaulted with a knife in an alley many people would definitely laugh. They almost jizzed when he had shit thrown at his face and I know a few irl who wished it had broken shit on his face.

My own two cents. I wouldn't hurt him personally but I would feel relieved if he were to be struck by a car and seriously hurt. Why? One less self-entitled, whiny, addict, asshole that no longer influence the America my children will be raised in. Hopefully it would happen while he was drunk or stoned so it teaches kids a lesson.

Callus? Of course. Evil? No. But it shows contrasts. Those people who are good I value as very precious, go out of my way to help and more. People like Justin are comparatively worth negative capital. And yes, many would be glad to see him hurt.

canadian man faces jail for disagreeing with a feminist

Lawdeedaw says...

Lol @enoch. Making out is definitely not on the agenda.

And yes, sadly, stupid laws on slander and liability exist. Just like stupid laws exist elsewhere. They are crap and garbage. But if we can go to war over faulty intel, surely our elected officials are dumb enough to let faulty slander go unpunished.

At least insofar that words have little consequences, you can see that by the content I posted right? Where the rapper threatens his wife, an FBI agent, and school children, and gets off without a record (which I forgot to include the children.)

Passing along information goes like this. Is it reasonable to suspect someone is who they claim on the internet? Kind of (Because the internet is impossible to verify ANYONE.) This is important because the "woman" was claiming to be 13, felt sexually harassed in her vulnerable years, etc. It is therefore the child who is calling the harasser a pedio, and the feminist bitch simply repeating a "reasonable-to-believe" statement. Or some such. The offended would have to prove that the comments were A-Factually known by the repeater as inaccurate and B-Damaging, and C-Not made in satire (Go back to the rap video for proof that stupid arguments can be made.) Even the damage could be argued, as what "damages" were caused by that particular comment?

News does this ALL the TIME for effect. A lot of the time they preface comments with such statements as "According to an eyewitness" or "Allegedly" or some other bullshit. But that does little to mitigate false information's impact on people.

enoch said:


so if someone is just repeating slander,or conspiring to get others to repeat that slander.if it is not from the original accuser,then it is not slander or libel?

is that true?
i had no idea.

seems all you have to do nowadays is accuse...sit back and watch the disintegration of your targets life and then rejoice in the wreckage.

and then pay zero consequences.

hooray for social justice warriors!

*ps-you and newt need to start making out,but we get to watch.
segsy bastards.
segsy opinionated bastards.
like me!
ok ok..lets all make out!

Traffic....No Problem

canadian man faces jail for disagreeing with a feminist

Lawdeedaw says...

Did I say the man "quoted" rap lyrics? NO. You assumed. In fact I didn't say the source of the rap at all. You want that information? He wrote the fucking lyrics towards his wife. And to the FBI agent who interviewed him. DIRECTLY to them. Honestly I didn't expect to have to spoon feed you this shit.

And btw, the first woman who called him a pedio, SHE CAN BE HELD LIABLE. However, not the feminist after.

How about this, I won't comment on your stupid as fuck posts, and you don't comment on mine (Which you think are stupid as fuck.) This way we stop this feud that ONLY WE go through. This way you stop calling me racist and shit. Which of course is liable. But that is beside the point.

How about we include @lucky760 and @dag, just to be safe. I don't want some internet crusader to try and get me banned from the Sift for harassment.

newtboy said:

What insane, totally not applicable, wrong legal advice.
Quoting lyrics is different from making a clear public lie about a person being a vile criminal and telling your followers to spread the lie, especially when it leads to damage. It is NOT protected as 'satire' when the claim is made with 100% seriousness and spread as 'truth', if it were, there would be no such thing as 'slander', every defendant would simply cry 'satire' and go home. Duh.

...but I'm beginning to think you're jut trolling here, only looking for someone's goat to get with your insanity so you can get attention. I'm about done giving you any....on any topic. There's nothing to be gained from conversation with you but frustration at idiocy.

canadian man faces jail for disagreeing with a feminist

Lawdeedaw says...

A man posted rap lyrics of killing his wife after a break up. She said fuck, he is threatening. Supreme court laughed, ex-husband laughed, wife cried. So to answer your question. Probably not liable for slander. Kind of like how pols can call Obama Muslim, or Hilary a whore.

Edit Added later:

Oh, and that comment pedophile comment could be easily construed as satire, which is protected. He would have to risk a lot of money to succeed...

Oh, and more. The content could be argued that it was in good faith because someone else called him it and it was reasonably believable. (That a 13 year old girl called him out on sexual harassment.) That the source was unverifiable is inconsequential. Even when they found out the woman was over age, they have no obligation for wasting time on the issue through apologies.

Blame the law, but yeah, there is that.

newtboy said:

Isn't there actually a 'game' where you choose the picture and 'beat it up'?

It's pretty funny that they get upset at an 'internet bully', so they become a gang of internet bullies to...well...I'm not sure...get theirs? Certainly not to stop internet bullying...they're using it as a main tactic.

Can't they be sued for publicly calling him a pedophile? Do they really accuse people of being pedophiles so often that they can't remember doing it?

I have to think there's something missing what he actually posted that he's being charged with. Did he make threats? Unfortunately, time and time again this kind of opinion piece leaves out the most important pieces of information. I need to see the tweet that rose to the level of charging him before I form an opinion.

It sure seems like calling him a pedophile publicly meets the criminal standard, why isn't she up on charges?

one of the many faces of racism in america

Lawdeedaw says...

Also, I do read my posts over a couple of times before I post. I am not sure which one in particular you are referring to since I humored you over and over again, hoping you would get basic shit, but I think you mean the comment you flipped out about for me being "racist."

I did mention grudge holding as endemic of racism. Which negated that particular argument you used because it implied a fuck-ton of information that if you had ignored it you would assume erroneously I am racist.

newtboy said:

Learn to read the whole post, in which I also said....

"I never said it was 'justice' that he would lose his job and be mostly unemployable forever, I said it was IRONIC, since he was lambasting people on the video for being 'lazy' and 'taking his tax dollars', which is what he'll be doing now. I agree, it's a little much that he's mostly unemployable for life now, but as I said, he just needs to find an employer that's willing to be labeled, at best, a racist sympathizer if not racist themselves...he should try Trump."

Also try reading your own posts...and not adding words that aren't there when you quote yourself, like you have here. You didn't qualify your statements until now, so that's NOT what you actually said.

You didn't deserve this explanation, and it's the last one.

Smell ya later.

one of the many faces of racism in america

Lawdeedaw says...

Lol, like a kid. Anyways, I have given the same number of explanations and have felt just as exacerbated, so yeah.

Anyways, I read the whole post. The problem is you contradicted yourself. You can't hold this against him by every potential employer (Which you advocated when you spoke of future employers looking up his past and deciding on their own) and yet not hold it against him forever. If people won't hire a racist now, why would they change it in the future. Or, why would he have the same opportunities as everyone else in due time, ie., not having this held against him.

newtboy said:

Learn to read the whole post, in which I also said....

"I never said it was 'justice' that he would lose his job and be mostly unemployable forever, I said it was IRONIC, since he was lambasting people on the video for being 'lazy' and 'taking his tax dollars', which is what he'll be doing now. I agree, it's a little much that he's mostly unemployable for life now, but as I said, he just needs to find an employer that's willing to be labeled, at best, a racist sympathizer if not racist themselves...he should try Trump."

Also try reading your own posts...and not adding words that aren't there when you quote yourself, like you have here. You didn't qualify your statements until now, so that's NOT what you actually said.

You didn't deserve this explanation, and it's the last one.

Smell ya later.

one of the many faces of racism in america

Lawdeedaw says...

Okay, and let me clarify were you did indeed say it should be forever held against him.

"Yes, it's OK, and normal, for future employers to investigate potential applicants and disqualify them if they show insanely poor judgement publicly like this guy did. You think that's not OK?"

I am owner Newt of Newt's Fabrications and Misunderstandings. I see this guy applying and look into his past. Would YOU hire this guy? Would you, as a black employer perhaps, offer this guy a job working with other black employees?

No? So moving on. You think Walmart wants this racist? Even 20 years from now? Why the fuck would they do that when they have a plethora of job applicants to do that?

So he moves on to Lawdeedaw's Lawn Service. I barely pay minimum wage, and I work him like a dog. Since I am the job he can get, he takes me up. His history is held against him and he has to settle.

Oh, kinda like what happens to blacks who just want to be productive...and have committed past crimes.

Edit Added Later:

Oh, and enouch and VooDooV "defend" this guy much more than me...yet you implied I was a racist fact I never defended him at all and left them out...oddly enough...

In fact I
1-Attacked most businesses as greedy.
2-Said most racists like him are just too proud to take government funds (But I didn't elaborate as to how/why.)
3-And stated that the past should not indefinitely be held against people.

Unless I missed a post from myself (possible) I never even said this guy should keep his job...

newtboy said:

Then allow me to clarify for you, this is didn't say "our criminal justice system forever holds records against people ", you said...
Newtboy said:
"Absolutely it's fair to expose people's public actions and tie it to them personally. 100% fair and proper. Period. People should own their actions, some need to be forced to own them."
Lawdeedaw said:
Newt, this is a racists dream come's what's keeping black men and women (who predominately are abused into our criminal justice system) unable to be productive citizens. This grudge holding helps no one.

You state that what's keeping blacks down is their criminal if they all have one, and it's the only thing they have to overcome, and as if only blacks have criminal records. Need I say more, or do you now see the racism I see there?

I did not say it SHOULD be indefinitely held against him, please read again more clearly. I said it WOULD be held against him. Two different words and concepts. I said clearly that it was overboard that that would happen, but it's reality that once on the internet with his name attached, it will follow him for life. That's not an endorsement, it's a statement of fact.

You are FAR from crystal clear. I've now explained how you said what I read.
I'll assume that you assume my assumption is assumptive, and assume your assumptions are also all assumptive assumptions, although I do assume that assumption is all based on assumptions. That clear it up?

one of the many faces of racism in america

Lawdeedaw says...

"as if they all have one, and it's the only thing "

Except it wasn't implied. It wasn't suggested. In fact I distinctly said, "This grudge holding helps no one." That was key...

The criminal history we put upon them (and others, mostly poor) is merely one racist cog in the wheel. For example--whites with a criminal record are still more likely than blacks to get a job. HOWEVER, these policies are one of those overreaching, significant impacting bullshit excuses we have.

They are used to justify racism. "See, it's those people always in jail." It prevents jobs when whites can deny as many as possible to avoid EO laws. "See, we couldn't hire blacks because they have criminal records..." It stops college admissions (Because blacks in jail are not blacks in college.) It takes away the power to vote.

newtboy said:

Then allow me to clarify for you, this is didn't say "our criminal justice system forever holds records against people ", you said...
Newtboy said:
"Absolutely it's fair to expose people's public actions and tie it to them personally. 100% fair and proper. Period. People should own their actions, some need to be forced to own them."
Lawdeedaw said:
Newt, this is a racists dream come's what's keeping black men and women (who predominately are abused into our criminal justice system) unable to be productive citizens. This grudge holding helps no one.

You state that what's keeping blacks down is their criminal if they all have one, and it's the only thing they have to overcome, and as if only blacks have criminal records. Need I say more, or do you now see the racism I see there?

I did not say it SHOULD be indefinitely held against him, please read again more clearly. I said it WOULD be held against him. Two different words and concepts. I said clearly that it was overboard that that would happen, but it's reality that once on the internet with his name attached, it will follow him for life. That's not an endorsement, it's a statement of fact.

You are FAR from crystal clear. I've now explained how you said what I read.
I'll assume that you assume my assumption is assumptive, and assume your assumptions are also all assumptive assumptions, although I do assume that assumption is all based on assumptions. That clear it up?

one of the many faces of racism in america

Lawdeedaw says...

Actually, having sex with children isn't what is harmful to children (Unless done in a physical manner that causes bodily destruction.) Oh shit, call the PC patrol, Lawdeedaw said pedophiles aren't monsters or hurt children!

Or wait, did I? By your assumptions that I assume you would assume I would be saying those things. But only a fuck-tard would. And hence why PC attacks are for fucking tards.

In history sex with kids was fine. In Rome it was an honor and often the child had power over the adult. Even in America it was fine when the average age of living was dying young. In Mexico 13 is the legal age, but younger is often accepted. Even by older men. This is still true in many places.

HOWEVER, pedophiles in America deserve to have their dicks cut off! Their clits burned away! Etc. Why? What makes pedophiles so vile here is the fact that they do it when society condemns it so much. Because of this children's lives are utterly destroyed. It is like sibling sex and how that is condemned--but to a much greater level. Under no circumstances in abusing children in this manner okay, or excusable. Even in the case of mental retardation.

So yeah...

newtboy said:

Well, yes, that's possible but not likely, to hold that theory you must assume the people running it are both 1)100% tolerant of antagonistic racist behavior and 2)liars. I'll give them the benefit of a doubt that they didn't bow to perceived possible future pressure and actually found this personally disgusting. That's not a stretch for most. It's also quite possible they saw it as a potential internal lawsuit they were nipping in the bud.

I asked about his rights...I asked..."does he have a right to his job?" The answer is no.

Ahhh, but it's not illegal to ADVOCATE for having sex with children, only to actually HAVE sex with children. What would you arrest him for?

'intent to harm'? Certainly not. For pedophiles, they don't think having sex with children is harmful to them, so there's no intent to harm. On the other hand, the racist DID intend to harm (intentional infliction of emotional distress is a crime in many places) those he ridiculed, he just isn't very good at it.

Advocating for legalization of something is not the same as advocating people doing it no.

If the company has a strict 100% no drug policy, yes. I hate those kinds of policies, but I do see that private companies have the right to hire people they trust, and if using drugs makes them lose that trust in a person, they can fire them...for any stupid thing really.

I'm pretty sure we have laws protecting people from being fired based on political no.

Again, I never said it was justice. I said it's reality. I actually mentioned that I think it's overboard that he's essentially unemployable now, but also mentioned that he could get a job with Trump, or any number of other employees that don't have a problem with his racism. Being fired for ridiculing random strangers for being non-white and therefore on welfare...well, that's poetic justice at least, if not pure justice. Poetic justice is a form of yes.

Companies have every right to not employ grotesque and offensive people. Don't you think?

Again...intentional infliction of emotional distress...that's harm. Not physical harm, but harm none the less. You may disagree, but you're disagreeing with the law and supreme court, not me.

They were no threat to his livelihood, he's not a fracker, he's in construction.

When is it OK to hold them to company policy? When they are making public, recorded, unambiguous, inapropriate statements and actions. The company draws the line, the company decides where, the company enforces it. If this were due to an outside influence, I would think differently, but because the company itself wrote how disgusted they are and that they have a zero tolerance policy for's fine. He's not just a racist bastard off work...if they have a single person of color working for them, they just saved themselves from a HUGE lawsuit for allowing a hostile work environment.

Yes, the courts have said they have that right. PC police here, just his company bosses that were outraged and disgusted with him...and they fired him. This is not new, or strange in any way. It happens hundreds of times daily.

Why? Because we have decided that firing/denying service to someone based on their (or your) religion is not acceptable, and codified that in law. Racists have no such protection, either by society or the law.

yes, I can look at the entire situation and see that some justice was served. I can also look to the future and see that it likely will be over served....but not necessarily. He just needs to apply to the Trump campaign, they love this kind of person, then it will be pure justice.

Look to the past. This 'moral calculus' has been in effect and in use for decades. I find it disturbing that you only get upset about it when it's applied to racist douchebags...he's insanely far from the first one.

Once again...NO PC POLICE HERE. Why don't you get it? Come on man...please...just GET IT. This is a private companies sole action...not bowing to PC police...the PC police didn't have time to find out where he worked and complain, the company saw it and said 'Aww HELL no!".

I would also rather keep my liberty and the liberty and freedom to hire people that share my level of civility, and display that at all times, not only while being paid. Fortunately for me, that's what the law says today...but if people thinking like you have your way, that liberty and freedom will be lost and companies will be forced to hire and not fire disgusting pieces of racist shit like this...because people that think like you are can't fathom that his job found this disgusting, you've decided it MUST have been the PC thugs (or fear of them) that forced his job to fire him, PC thugs that must be fought, so you're fighting. To me, that's just sad, and incredibly poorly thought through or understood...and a bit like seeing racism where it doesn't exist.

You have your liberty and freedom to do as you wish...there was NEVER the freedom to do what you wished AND HAVE NO CONSEQUENSE FOR YOUR ACTIONS. That's what you're advocating. This isn't about a law, it's a private company's private right has been removed, you have the right to be as disgusting as you wish, you don't have a right to force yourself into a job.

In short, this is his (non existent) right to keep his job VS his bosses right to fire him. The right right won out.

EDIT: It seems you two have not considered the possibility that the company might be owned by a black person.

one of the many faces of racism in america

Lawdeedaw says...

What a racist, disgusting thought.
So, you're saying all black men and women are publicly disgusting people that need their actions hidden to be employable?!?
Er Mer Gerd! Did you REALLY just write that? Do you really think that? No wonder you're defending the racist douchebag."

I am not sure how defending minorities got turned into a racist statement...first, I said that our criminal justice system forever holds records against people (Ie., when they apply for a job, benefits, etc.) I stated I disagree with that because it's racist. This is because blacks are targeted by the law to a far greater rate than whites--even doing the same crimes.

Second, this was because you said the racist's viewpoints should be held indefinitely against him. Since we could apply "crimes" against blacks, that logic is what our system uses to be racist. It should discontinue in all forms.

Third, this was all pretty crystal clear. Often you have these fits, and blame them on my lack of clarity. (Kind of like how you blame me for assuming but never consider your assumptions as possibly incorrect.) This is obviously not the case here because there is no way I reasonable said anything close to what you read. I, therefore, assume, based on your past misconstrued responses, you simply want to start this shit.

(I find it funny, when I engage Choas, he can understand when he makes mistakes in reading my posts, and he apologizes, and he rarely does it...)

one of the many faces of racism in america

Lawdeedaw says...

He got the point a long time ago enoch. He just doesn't give a fuck. Two different points

enoch said:


so i finally got my point across?
thank god!
it only took me a novella.
jesus christ,you would think me being a poet would equate to a more economical verbiage.

man do i fail.

so yeah,we are arguing two separate points.
you are arguing this specific turdnugget and i am arguing the broader implications of abuse in the future.

i still stand by my stance that i do not think this turdnugget should have lost his job.i think there could have been a much better way to have handled this situation,but as you stated (and i agree) the company was within their rights to fire him.

if i was his boss,i would have used this situation to educate,because lets be honest..this man is pretty fucking ignorant.

he even admits to not knowing any black people and had only been exposed to 9,in his entire life,and then he proceeds to vomit the most repugnant,racial shit.

ignorance is curable.
stupid is not.

but it is not the companies job to cure this neanderthal of his ignorance,but i suspect losing his job will only exacerbate an already instilled racism.

so lost opportunity and ultimately:fail.

i also think we are becoming far to comfortable and complicit in our ever-increasingly surveilled,data mined and personal data collected state.

which i am just repeating my main point,but it does concern me.

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