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one of the many faces of racism in america

Lawdeedaw says...


You notice how newtboy assumes so much, but then attacks people for assuming (Claiming only his logic is almost always correct.)

Case in point--a corporation that hires racist people probably loathes it? Why would they give a fuck if it didn't involve money? They almost NEVER do otherwise.

We see nearly EVERY corporation use shady shit. They try to shirk tax obligations via foreign accounts. They buy elected officials to do their bidding while screwing others. BP blew people up and didn't give a fuck. Toyota burned people alive for a profit. Rick Scott, Governor of Florida, stole billions of tax dollars from a program to help the needy.

The Salvation Army paid a politician 90K a year just to do no work, and they are not even supposed to be a political organization. They use sweat shops that abuse children...

The COMPANY, not the "boss", makes choices. Yet we are expected to believe that the emotionless company gives a fuck about anything besides money.

But to point out this is assuming in Newt's eyes. Silly, isn't it?

newtboy said:

I'll be consistent and say yes, it's "fair" that she lost her job, as it's clear that her employers have an often stated interest in her reproductive system and firm rules on how it may or may not be altered, as a part of their faith, and properly following that faith is essential for being a good their eyes. That means that having artificial insemination makes her a bad roll model, and being a near perfect roll model is a major part of the job.
EDIT: I wonder who ratted her out? She DID have a right to keep her personal medical information private, and those with access have a legal obligation to keep it private as well, so she DID get ratted on.

Also interesting was your comment/position there, which seemed to mirror mine here. In part, you said....
" Freedom cuts both ways, you're free to do what you want..but if you don't act within some semblance of societal norms and what is considered decent, no one is going to want to be around you or work with you. "
The business not wanting to work with him is what happened here, but now you seem to take issue with that, and you take serious issue with others boycotting the company (which didn't actually happen here, but you've been complaining that it did) while back then you seemed to be celebrating it. What changed besides the reason someone lost their job?

one of the many faces of racism in america

Lawdeedaw says...

"Absolutely it's fair to expose people's public actions and tie it to them personally. 100% fair and proper. Period. People should own their actions, some need to be forced to own them."

Newt, this is a racists dream come's what's keeping black men and women (who predominately are abused into our criminal justice system) unable to be productive citizens. This grudge holding helps no one.

one of the many faces of racism in america

Lawdeedaw says...

Yeah and it sets precedent to do it even in situations where it should not apply.

enoch said:

yeah..i am with @VoodooV on this one.

the man was not working.
was not wearing any company logos or identification,yet loses his job.

for what?
being an insensitive racist idiot?

public shaming?
all for it,and it might even change a few hearts and minds.inject a little empathy in an otherwise rigid and narrow worldview.

losing his job?
eeeeeeh..i think some people are taking the social warrior thing a tad too far,and are not being far sighted in their execution.

sure..we can hate on this racist asshole and ridicule him for his idiocy,but what happens when the PC police find something that YOU do offensive or inappropriate?

would you still be as confident in losing your livelihood?

i have been following this case in canada where this graphic designer is facing 6 months in jail for criticizing and disagreeing with two feminists.these women are trying to make the case that his criticisms,in the form of tweets,constitutes harrassment.

he lost his job.
is 80k in the hole,and the case has been ongoing for three years.

so there is already a frightening amount of this PC police,social warrior fascism having actually consequences.

so where do we draw the line?
who is going to arbitrarily monitor that line?
who decides what is offensive and what is not?

you start going down this road and that line will become more and more blurred until the first amendment is toast.

i am finding it more and more disturbing that people are beginning to think that being offended somehow equates to a right.that their little world,their minute and tiny habitat should be protected from offensive language.

unless you are ok with destroying peoples lives for being an idiot or an asshole.

social warriors:morality police concerned with their own little habitat,but they have your best interest as well.

oh goodie....

one of the many faces of racism in america

Lawdeedaw says...

You again assume...that the company was really disgusted and not preemptively handling the PR nightmare. I mean they probably get government handouts/tax breaks, so they really want this to just go away. And since almost all millionaire/billionaires are lying sacks of shit, gonna have to say they have no/little integrity here.

Gonna have to agree with Voody and Enoch.

newtboy said:

It seems you are under the mistaken assumption that they bowed to public pressure by PC warriors and fired him. Read the description, the company itself was disgusted, and has a policy of being intolerant of hate speech by their employees. Do you feel the company has no right to fire him for public statements and actions outside work that run 100% contrary to the company policy?
Where do you draw the line? What if he was advocating for the legalization of sex with prepubescent children? Should they still ignore it if he only does it outside work? If that line is up to the company to decide, what's the issue here?

one of the many faces of racism in america

Lawdeedaw says...

How can you tell he is taking your tax dollars? Most belligerent a-holes do work hard and are too proud to take it. (Except things they pay into such as unemployment insurance, which is not the same thing as regular government benefits.)

newtboy said:

If you have a job where the company owner is not an unapologetic racist, it's probably a good idea to not be a stupid racist on camera, lest you end up permanently unemployed and unemployable like this guy.
Ironic that he's now the one actually taking MY tax dollars to support his unemployable racism and stupidity.
I think, for numerous reasons, this qualifies as *fail

Patinkin tackles Old Testament issues and Fear. Good on him.

Sweden Being Raped To Death By Muslim Migrants

Lawdeedaw says...

Isn't all religions based on divisiveness and batshit crazy?

newtboy said:

I'm not pleased to see this kind of hate-mongering xenophobic propaganda posted here.
I saw a tv 'news' piece about the neo-Nazi 'Democrat' party in Sweden just 2 days ago, I think the guy at :41 may have been part of the group being interviewed.

The producers also have terrible math skills it seem, as they claim Sweden has fewer rapes than S Africa, which they list as 53.2 out of 100000, or .0532%, but they also say out of 100000 women in Sweden, 25000 will be raped (25%, or 1 in 4). 25% is greater than .0532% , so how is South Africa the worst and Sweden the second worst when Sweden allegedly has 500 times more rapes per person?

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Sweden Being Raped To Death By Muslim Migrants

Lawdeedaw says...

In a way Bob is right, even if the facts are not. But then everything has been used as an excuse to rape, pillage and burn. I mean Christians kept blacks as slaves not out of religious doctrine or moral beliefs--but out of cold hard cash. The excuses were otherwise, but the bottom line is extremism is a problem right now. It just so happens that the poverty and ridicule we had for the middle east has made it a stewing pot for hundreds of years.

bobknight33 said:

True as true can be.

Muslims are religion of rape and murder. Its been going on since the beginning their religion.

So from you point of view Muslims are a nice bunch of people.

The Myth Reawakens

Lawdeedaw says...

No, he is excited. He is often excited when he speaks. Both annoying and endearing. Plus, IMO it's the content of the overall video that makes it taggable. For example, if this was some news reporter announcing Donald Trump happily winning the election, would you label it happy?

Mordhaus said:

Because the person talking is, like...reaaaally happy.

The Myth Reawakens

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Lawdeedaw says...

It's funny our culture of ultra violence, but raping Marge is out of the question. Lol. Not that I would watch it if it had it in it, but that is the double standard we have.

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Lawdeedaw says...

I find her racism towards country folks annoying. She says "hey stranger, long time no see" like a cowboy is having sex with his sister...huck huck dumb country boy. Sure do gots a pretty mouth.

But as this adds something to the debate (mostly that MTV is dead for a reason and this talentless woman is not its savior...) I will upvote it.

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