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Two men beating their heads against a brick wall

Kreegath says...

Isn't it incredibly rude to invite someone to speak and then promptly deny them that? You've heard it before, sure, and you know what he's going to say before he finishes. That's alright. But for crying out loud, let him finish what he wants to say and save everyone the frustration.

Muhammed cartoonist Lars Vilks attacked by muslims in Sweden

Kreegath says...

Some more info has been released, and it's been revealed that the person getting sucker punched was a police officer.

Apparently what broke the camel's back for the muslim audience was when they showed a clip of dutch exile-iranian gay porn in Muhammed masks.

Should Brief Videos Be Considered Three Minutes or Less In Duration? (User Poll by MrFisk)

Muhammed cartoonist Lars Vilks attacked by muslims in Sweden

Kreegath says...

Whom did you say they let throw a sucker punch? It looks to me like there was a lot of commotion and the many things going on at once took a while to get a handle on. The police acted very professionally.
Then again we generally don't see them as the enemy, nor does every other citizen walk around with a conceiled weapon, so their response doesn't have to be that extreme.

Should Brief Videos Be Considered Three Minutes or Less In Duration? (User Poll by MrFisk)

Kreegath says...

Is it really that crucial to have tags for everything? You can see exactly how long a clip is by pressing the miniaturized video window, and it takes a second to do. What exactly is lost by clicking a video and finding out it's longer than you'd like to spend on it?

William Shatner Doesn't Like To Be Corrected

Kreegath says...

If this is his best/worst, then he's one well-mannered man. He's not chastising or barking at the director, he's just calmly explaining how he pronounces a word. It's not that unheard of or outrageous, is it?

Hitler video reenacted by soap bubble guy

North Korea's woman traffic-cops

Parting Words from Choggie (Wildwestshow Talk Post)

Kreegath says...

Was the comment racially insensitive? If so, then of course that's something Choggie will have to answer for. However, is Choggie a racist for having made a racially insensitive comment? That's a far more complex question than some people here have given it credit for. Had it been anyone else making that comment, I'm sure they'd have been made to apologize for it. After that, the matter would've been closed.

Someone isn't made a racist because of an ill-construed sentence uttered, for a comment in a heated situation nor due to a tactless joke. Instead, the racist holds the belief of the superiority of one race over another.
"Racism is the belief that race is a primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race. Racial discrimination typically points out taxonomic differences between different groups of people, although anyone may be discriminated against on an ethnic or cultural basis, independently of their somatic differences. According to the United Nations conventions, there is no distinction between the term racial discrimination and ethnic discrimination. According to the Oxford English Dictionary, racism is a belief or ideology that all members of each racial group possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, especially to distinguish it as being either superior or inferior to another racial group or racial groups. "[link]

Conan O'Brien Full 60 Minutes Interview

Community - Jeff is "Goldbluming"

The Dynamically Programmable Alarm Clock

Kreegath says...

Wow, this has got to be up there among the top "needlessly complicated gadgets" to have been invented this decade and the last. I've had my current alarm clock for what seems like the better part of 20 years, and it's been completing its daily task for that time without fail. It takes one day's worth of traveling to work out a time estimate to and from work in your head, then all you really need to do is add about half an hour to an hour and set your clock.

This thing just seems so prone to cause trouble. Say for instance that its connection is interrupted or it miscalculates or something.

Slovak Government May Institute Roma "Solution"

atb sunburn

What Would You Do? Racism In An Upscale Store

Kreegath says...

Maybe the customers weren't really listening or paying attention. Maybe they don't react to (any) injustice by walking up in the offending party's face and start screaming bloody murder, or they just don't want to get involved in an ongoing argument, regardless of what it's about. Maybe they went and called the store owners after they left, and/or vowed never to shop there again.

The actors preformed a script about racism, but that doesn't by any means automatically lead to the conclusion that the customers were harboring racist views when passing by without standing up for the lady, or abstained from interfering specifically because it was a racist situation. It might show complacency towards strangers or blind trust in the authority of the security guards, but that's not synonymous with racism. The conclusion was something the ABC crew decided on all by themselves.

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