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Chaos erupts at LA City Hall as council votes to ban homeles

JiggaJonson says...

I don't have a problem with it. I have a problem with assholes though. Are they going to be like you when they camp near my house?

bobknight33 said:

Great so you have no problem having this near your local school or even on your street or front lawn?

You a better person that most.

Go post a sign Homeless -- my yard is available.

Why can't California build space for these people or facilities for those with drug addition/ mental illness . Just add another gas tax or such. California people are rich, like you. Do you fair share

Chaos erupts at LA City Hall as council votes to ban homeles

JiggaJonson says...

I like how treating everyone like an actual human being makes people like bob call me a radical or a progressive or a leftist.

It says a lot about people like him.



I mean OBVIOUSLY everyone who is homeless wants to be and is in that position because of no one's fault but their own, so they should be shown no mercy, even if it means we wont let them even sleep in the street. /s

San Francisco 1906 (New Version) in Color [60fps, Remastered

Bannon On Oct 31 Outlining The Plan To Steal The Election

Joe Biden's Actual "To Do List"

Ameca and the most realistic AI robots. Beyond Atlas.

JiggaJonson says...

I'd be doing weird promotion if I were you too, given:

New Tesla factories losing billions of dollars, Musk says

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Elon Musk: Tesla plants in Austin and Germany are losing ‘billions of dollars’

You really got it all figured out @bobknight33

Spelling Bee Contestant Asks The Definition of “Woman”

Barr, Ivanka, and Alex Cannon Told Trump There’s No Fraud

Trump Asked Us To Come - Jan 6 Hearing Testimony

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

JiggaJonson says...

I still think you're a Russian troll. I can't fathom why anyone would be so anti American aside from that. I'm tracking down your other aliases. Mine is always "Jiggajonson" fyi and my name is Jon, American supporter of a democratically elected politicians.

I'll touch the bottom of this swamp yet, comrade. When I do, I'll keep the FBI tip line handy. I've been quiet on this site but I've been watching you. Internet Research Agency 2.0 pumping out anti Ukraine propaganda today.

Here's to hoping you're just an idiot. If so, get your head out of your ass.

Trump Asked Us To Come - Jan 6 Hearing Testimony

Barr, Ivanka, and Alex Cannon Told Trump There’s No Fraud

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

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