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Crystal Castles - Baptism

I HATE PENNIES!!!! (Also Nickels.)

Imagoamin says...

Hey... I live in Greenville, TN.. Also, this style of video reminds me a lot of Ze Frank..

Salt is salty.

That is all for my contribution to an actual discussion going on already.

The folly of waking up and believing in yourself.

Patton Oswalt on Religious Billboards

Imagoamin says...

I saw him talk about this in the place he mentions, Asheville.. and this show was only like an hour away from where I live. Pretty sweet.. He's really great live and had an amazing opening act, Kyle Kinane.

Worst Video Ever? - Carload of Farts

In honor of memorial day, "Song for the Soldier"

Twilight Fans Get Punked

Imagoamin says...

I would feel bad for the fan girls... If they weren't obsessed with a book that glorifies rape. The first time Edward and Bella have sex, she's unconscious. How could anyone find that romantic or magical?

Brock Samson - Swedish Murder Machine

DESTINO: Salvador Dali and Walt Disney collaboration (1946)

Imagoamin says...

>> ^Raaagh:
Ok, let me predicate this my mentioning a few weeks ago I poured over a picture book on Picasso with the stories behind each painting.

I dont really like Picassos paintings, but his attitude tickles/scares me (painting pictures of his sister getting auto-sodomised etc)

I was expecting something far more, angsty, anti-social, lewd, and arty but that was just beautiful and so passionate. It really drew me and and had its way with me.
Thanks poster.

In all the years of art history classes and going through the cubist era, I don't remember hearing or seeing anything like you mention from Picasso.... What book are you talking about?

The Hard Time Optical Illusion

OMG bout time 50 cent's video game got a sequel!!!!

Obama: Is he a citizen?

Imagoamin says...

I'm not sure if that woman was one of them, but there's a section of the McCain base that believes the birth certificate provided by Obama is a forgery because a printed version was never presented - or something along those lines.

There's even a lawsuit in the works from Phillip Berg. He's the guy behind the website. When the case is immediately thrown out of court and he's calling for appeal after appeal, it really shows how delusional people can be..

I'm sure this woman just hear hannity or limbaugh mention this though and now thinks it's seriously an issue.

Skinny Puppy - Worlock

Ministry - Lieslieslies

Imagoamin says...

One of the handful of new songs I like.. This show was definitely the most insane I've been to. Someone got stabbed, I got in or in between 4 fights, some guy broke his ankle in front of me, and 2 guys pulled down the cage and tried to surf on top of it through the crowd.

Girl Cannot Handle Getting A Tiny Tattoo! (Fail!)

Imagoamin says...

To sympathize a little bit.. a tattoo on the ankle, especially if its closer to the bone, is going to heart more then traditional places, like the forarm and such. But she's still making it seem like it's getting tatooed on the inside of her uterus..

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