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The New Wave of YouTube "Skeptics"

Imagoamin says...

Then you haven't encountered any of his fans on twitter.

And he is pretty much the largest and most 1:1 example the above video is referencing: He uses specious arguments, focuses on minor details or extreme examples to paint with a massive brush, and generally is more vitriol than skepticism.

And the difference between Sarkeesian making videos critiquing and thunderf00t is myriad: Sarkeesian focuses on depictions and media, thunderf00t focuses on indviduals and a very amorphous idea of "feminism" with videos like "Why feminism is poisoning atheism", "Why 'feminism' poisons EVERYTHING", all pretty much completely obsessed with Sarkeesian and Rebecca Watson.

That's not skepticism.. that's a creepy personal vendetta.

The other major difference are their fans. I don't recall Sarkeesian ever taking out a personal vendetta against a random person and suggesting her fans bombard their business on Yelp with bad reviews and then people on the doxxing boards of 8chan joined in the online attacks.

I mean, it's not quite as simple as "one person makes videos critiquing, another makes videos critiquing". But I feel like you probably already knew that.

00Scud00 said:

Why look for that excuse? I think the word you are looking for is 'validation'. I think it's really human nature that compels us to search out those who we see as being like us and helps to reaffirm our beliefs. Fox News became a media empire based almost entirely on this principle and ever since then many other media outlets have followed suit.

I read that article a little while back, but I'm not sure taking away Patreon or ad money would silence those people. I'm pretty sure many like thunderf00t would just keep on doing what they're doing anyhow. I've watched some of thunderf00t's videos and while they may not use the most genteel language or may come off as snarky but it never sounded like harassment to me.

YouTube, and the internet in general are a soapbox which people like Anita Sarkeesian can use to criticize popular media and can also be used by others to criticize Sarkeesian in turn, this is perfectly fair in my opinion.

The New Wave of YouTube "Skeptics"

Why Being Honest about Ghostbusters is Important

Imagoamin says...

I've seen it. It was indeed funny AND entertaining. I enjoyed it about as much as I enjoyed Ghostbusters 2, which was a much lazier rehash of the same premise of the first movie to cash in on the name.

Yet...somehow, people don't remember the second movie that way. But they, having not seen it in a lot of cases, view this movie as an A-Bomb for the movie industry. The most scorn worthy example of remakes ever! Most disliked trailer in youtube history! Yet....somehow, the same fate didn't befall TMNT, Transformers, Robocop, et all.

But we also forget, some of our most beloved genre movies and well liked films were remakes of older movies before our time. The Thing, The Fly, The Departed, True Grit, 12 Monkeys, etc. It's not that it's evil ole hollywood "not having original ideas and scripts", because we have unoriginal ideas and scripts in the hallows of nerd fandom.

Really seems like there is one sort of X-Factor about this particular remake of a previous nerd-centric IP that set it apart from all the others people ignored or fell in love in with....

The Friend Zone

Imagoamin says...

The friend zone casually explained:

Just because you like someone doesn't mean they're required to like you back and someone not constantly considering how you want to fuck them doesn't mean you're being slighted.

How is "the friend zone" even still a thing? Jesus.

Bill Maher: Dilbert Creator Scott Adams

Imagoamin says...

I'm getting it from the fact that whether he actually says it out right, he has great admiration for Trump, has done AMA's on the Donald Trump sub reddit ( and routinely praises him to the point of endorsement.

In that AMA, he says:

"I don't want to be tarred with whatever ridiculousness gets spray-painted onto Trump's reputation. So it was a good way to document some distance. "


"In my view, Trump is not currently qualified to be president because he scares too many of my fellow citizens. (He doesn't scare me.) But I do think he can change that situation. That's why I predict he will win in a landslide."

His only reason for not outwardly supporting him is because its socially toxic, not that he doesn't actually support him.

ChaosEngine said:

First of all, where did you get the idea that he's a Trump supporter? Saying that Trump is not as dumb as he's made out to be is not the same as supporting him.

Second, while I don't agree with Adams supposed position on women, it doesn't invalidate his points about Trump.

Rashida Jones coaches Stephen on how to be a Feminist

Imagoamin says...

@newtboy Uh..dude, "humanist" and "individualist" are already philosophical schools of thought that have determined meanings that aren't anywhere near the realm of feminism (eg, an activist movement for equal rights).

I mean, unless you're trying to stretch humanist to not mean, essentially, secular thought distancing from the dogma of the church and individualist as not the idea of the individual has more weight than collective good or the state. But.. you might have to contend with the fact those aren't the definitions of things you believe you came up with.

Bill Maher: Dilbert Creator Scott Adams

Imagoamin says...

Scott Adams has always been a raging trashfire. Not surprised he's a Trump supporter, especially after his rant about how women are like "children and the mentally handicapped".

MRA Dilbert blog taking his actual quotes and putting them into Dilbert strips should really just replace his cartoon.

10 Things Canadians Don't Know About Americans

Imagoamin says...

Oh yay, it's Gavin McInnes, the white nationalist dude that got booted from the company he founded for being even worse than the rest of Vice...

" McInnes has referred to Asian-Americans as "slopes" and "riceballs," suggested Muslims are "stupider" and "more violent" due to inbreeding, defended blackface because some minstrel shows were "just mimicking black people" and "fun," backed the racist comments of Duck Dynasty's Phil Robertson, and argued that to yell the n-word at someone is "not racist" but "just very rude."

Trigger Warnings Let Students Skip Lectures

Imagoamin says...

"Letting them know that you're about to have a lecture on very sensitive material is totally fine. I mean, I've done that."

Then congrats, you're OK with trigger warnings.

And like most instances where people panic about them, Oxford hasn't made any sort of official policy. Professors are able to do so at will or ignore the use of the warnings all together. Much like they have been doing for years and years.

Curious how victims of sexual assault that often develop PTSD for periods following are somehow "coddled censors", yet the same doesn't apply for any sort of accommodation for other mental or physical ailments. We don't see people freaking out about warnings of flashing lights in various media for the epileptic, we don't mock the soldier suffering from PTSD who asks for accommodations, and we don't mock the migraine sufferers who avoid certain situations, food, etc to prevent attacks.

But somehow, the physical effects triggered by certain stimuli of a lingering sexual assault is different. Better alert the news media, the PC police rape survivors are here to ruin everything with their asks for "Hey, maybe consider my physical issues?"

Woman Accuses White Male of Stealing Her Cultural Hairstyle

Imagoamin says...

"Value the fact we're mad about college kids arguing or you're wrong!"

Look man, they're both dumb. But I'm not getting all worked up and thinking someone needs to be taught a lesson over this. They're college kids making mistakes. Put down your pitchfork before you hurt yourself.

dannym3141 said:

If you think the outrage expressed here is floundering and forced, you should imagine how we feel about your impotent, condescending reaction to our outrage. Please double check all harnesses and straps for safety before you parachute down from your own high horse. A horse so high your dismount could be sponsored by red bull.

What's funny is that you think being annoyed by Dreadlock Hitler is pathetic, but you're annoyed because the target looks like someone you don't like and listens to music you don't enjoy. I guess that's just fine, but we should all grow up!

Woman Accuses White Male of Stealing Her Cultural Hairstyle

Imagoamin says...

He sure looks and sounds like every burn out at a phish concert I've ever known. Just a very annoying type of dude, in my experience.

But whatever, not like I feel like he needs to be "taught a lesson" or needs a "head check", like the floundering outrage in these comments.

enoch said:

trying to see your point on the dude being insanely obnoxious,and i just dont see it.

i do,however,see an incredibly self-righteous and smug chick attempting to bully pulpit her way into that dudes space.

now THAT,is insanely obnoxious.

Woman Accuses White Male of Stealing Her Cultural Hairstyle

Imagoamin says...

Yeah, white people with dreadlocks are still lame.

And I think they're both annoying, but they're college kids in an argument. This isn't some righteous "We must teach this woman a lesson for getting in an argument at college" situation.

This is the most overblown outrage over something that happens all the time and is minor. But hey, hope there's a nice view on your high horse.

eric3579 said:

The way one choose to wear their hair is not lame. Judging others for the way they choose to wear their hair is SUPER lame.

I find it funny you think the guy minding his own business is obnoxious, but have nothing to say about the fuck that accosted him with her cultural appropriation nonsense(imo).

I do feel kinda sorry for her as she's probably gonna take an overwhelming amount of heat for her behavior. Guessing it will be a harsh lesson learned.

Woman Accuses White Male of Stealing Her Cultural Hairstyle

Imagoamin says...

White dudes with dreads are the lamest of lames.

And this video as some sort of spark of outrage is hilarious. That dude was insanely obnoxious.

College kids getting in arguments: OMG INTERNET GOTTA TEACH SOMEONE A LESSON!!!!!!!

Big Think: John Cleese on Being Offended

Imagoamin says...

Are you used to people taking your argument seriously when you refer to them as "bed wetting cry babies"?

And when you bring up Suey Park as a " harassment vs ridicule " argument, you conveniently leave out the death and rape threats.

If you think someone saying "that word bothers me" is making it "unacceptable to say words", by all means: die on the hill that words have no power and any word is fine, language and sensibility doesn't change with time.

I look forward to you adding: faggot, nigger, kyke, whatever other bit of nasty language you can imagine to your daily vocab and get incredibly bent out of shape about your free speech and ability to use what words you want without offense when someone says they're offended by that.

And I think I do understand about comedians being thin skinned. Because someone saying "that's offensive to me" sends them (and you, apparently) into a death spiral of hyperbole, calling people cunts and babies, and likening them to the gestapo.

Me thinks you've been "triggered".

But hey, since you seem less interested in rationale and more about getting red, nude, and mad online, I'll let you have whatever last word you're going to scream at me after this.

enoch said:


i can agree with your basic premise:free speech can have consequences in the form of MORE speech.

you are totally free to espouse the most ridiculous,self-centered narcissistic cry-baby drivel you like,and i am totally free to ridicule you as the cry-baby bed-wetter you are behaving like.

the problems arise when that interaction is then seen as "harassment" and a defamation of the constantly oppressed group of dare i slander such a tender group! havent they suffered enough?

nobody is saying that one group is excused from free speech or from criticism,and most people would agree that if you yell FIRE in a room and cause a panic when there was no fire,there should be consequences for your actions.

what people ARE saying is that making certain words unacceptable,therefore changing the very language we use to express,convey and deliver complex thoughts,feelings and imaginings is counter-productive.made further so when an abstract art form such as comedy is so easily taken out of context to further an agenda.

remember #cancelcolbert?

the comedy and satire was totally lost on that over-privileged nitwit suey park.she instead focused on a single element of his monologue and chose to be offended,without even considering the larger implications of the humor in colberts bit.

does she have a right to be offended?of course.
does she have a right to be outraged and start a twitter campaign to shut down colberts show?yep..she sure does.

and we have the right to absolutely take her inane,and un-self-aware false campaign for justice to task,and ridicule her relentlessly.

because bad ideas,poor understandings and judgements dressed up as social justice SHOULD be ridiculed for the stupidity they represent.

as for your assertion that comedians are thin skinned,or need to grow a thicker skin,i think you have no idea what you are fucking talking ever spoke in public? in front of crowd?

believe grow thick skin,and fast,until it becomes titanium.

i see no further reason to beat that particular horse but just look up chris rock,seinfeld,louis ck ,bill burr,joe rogan.they all lay out quite clearly why universities are a dead zone for comedy.

because the extreme end of social justice warriors are humorless cunts.

Big Think: John Cleese on Being Offended

Imagoamin says...

"Push back? Do you mean intentionally suppress laughter for fear of being un-PC? Heckle (thats fine BTW)? Defame? Ban? Throw stones? Chase out of town? Burn books? Worse?"

Awfully hyperbolic. You seem to think someone saying "I don't like this" is brushing up with burning books?

Because I see that as an act of free speech. Protest, boycotts, etc aren't suddenly forcing anyone to do something or preventing anyone from saying anything. It's meeting speech with more speech. The pinion of free speech principles.

But free speech has never been freedom from consequences. You can say whatever edgu thing you like but you can't expect everyone to just shut up and be fine with it.

Either you accept being edgy is going to rile people up and get you reactions or you go back to doing boring ass material. Imagining that someone not enjoying your joke is akin to a mob trying to murder you only really shows how thin skinned comedians are to any criticism. Ignore it.

And the issue of disinvitations to colleges is, again, more free speech acts. Yet somehow, unless the speech is toothless and ineffective, its a melt down by thin skinned comedians.

Look, you need to know your audience when you do a gig. You don't walk into a bar mitzvah gig and tell all your edgy antisemetic jokes then get wounded at the "PC outrage" when people get mad. Yet somehow going to a college during a rise in college activism against racism/sexism and telling your "women are shit, right?" jokes is supposed to be no issue?

And the other issue in this: colleges are viewed more and more as a services paid transaction: I'm paying thousands to this place to provide me a product. So its no wonder students feel more empowered to complain, especially when their money from activity fees is being spent on something they don't like.

Saying "you owe us $500 and we're going to use it to pay the 'Muslims are all rapists' guy to come here and talk" isn't the best way to make people feel like their money is being used with their best interests in mind.

Honestly, if you feel like protests or any act of free speech you disagree with is akin to burning books or destroying lives... Maybe you should grow a thicker skin. Everyone doesn't have to like what you say and its not some afront to your rights when they don't.

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