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GoodAttorney (Member Profile)

GoodAttorney says...

The circle jerk here is unbearable to anyone with independence of thought. I hereby submit my resignation. God help you guys. The overall idea to this site is good, but the rules are ethnocentric and xenophobic and engender a hierarchy that breeds shit. I won't be joining the crazy dance.

burdturgler (Member Profile)

GoodAttorney (Member Profile)

choggie (Member Profile)

GoodAttorney says...

Nice conversing with you. I'm canceling my account.

In reply to this comment by choggie:
naw man, that message was not for you....your insights were poignant and friendly to dogs who can;t help but be coool.....well, some can;t help but be all fucked-up because of their owners....not this sushi dog....that dog has love that knows no bounds!

In reply to this comment by GoodAttorney:
Really... thinking too hard? Shit, I thought that messages was only coming from the right side. Don't hate (down vote) me because I speak the truth.

Japanese food for Japanese dogs

joedirt (Member Profile)

GoodAttorney says...

I haven't met one of your -1 comments that I haven't upvoted.

In reply to this comment by joedirt:
you guys are evil sickos. You think any of those women used Dove products?

Why allow them to spread their ads claiming they can influence anyone's skin or heatlth.

Hello??!! PRO*AGE didn't EXIST until now, so how the fuck did these women use it and get so perfect skin?

Let me guess they used it once and then it worked so well they put it on TV?! Bravo mindless drones, let's spread more crappy advertising FOR sham and hustlers. Make everyone have to look at shitty ads!


GoodAttorney (Member Profile)

"Nalin Palin" Porn Script read by Thandie & Ricky - The Grah

Girl on Acid Totally Freaking Out

Amazing transformation: Girl turns into something unnatural

choggie (Member Profile)

GoodAttorney says...

Oh sorry... my bad. I'm carrying over from my experience on the dog in the shelter video.

In reply to this comment by choggie:
naw man, that message was not for you....your insights were poignant and friendly to dogs who can;t help but be coool.....well, some can;t help but be all fucked-up because of their owners....not this sushi dog....that dog has love that knows no bounds!

In reply to this comment by GoodAttorney:
Really... thinking too hard? Shit, I thought that messages was only coming from the right side. Don't hate (down vote) me because I speak the truth.

One Bad Ass Squirrel

Japanese food for Japanese dogs

Japanese food for Japanese dogs

GoodAttorney says...

Frankly, I think some of my fellow unnamed sifters would agree that any other form of feeding this Dog would not be humanitarian and would constitute animal abuse. This dog deserves to have food spun around for Him or Her so that He or She may sample small portions while He or She contemplates the amount of human centric suffering that exists in the world around. He or She may then save some lives, after dinner, by being cute, cuddly, and offering solace to those humans who cannot, for some reason or another, relate to other humans as well as they can to something furry.

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