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Undercover Cop Caught on Camera; Assaults Cooperating Teen

EmptyFriend says...

may have been somewhat drunk when writing that comment, glad to see i'm not the most hated person in the world.

i am in no way justifying what the cop did. it was a very quick interaction and he probably did not think through what he was doing.

he should probably be fired or at least suspended without pay and issue a formal apology. it sounds like he made a pretty big mistake and hopefully he learned from it.

also, @Duckman33 "The kid wasn't doing anything wrong or shady other than looking like someone that sold drugs to an under cover officer" maybe i'm reading the articles wrong, but this wasn't the wrong kid. he was with the men who sold drugs to and assaulted the officers, he just wasn't the one doing the selling/assaulting and was let off.

Undercover Cop Caught on Camera; Assaults Cooperating Teen

EmptyFriend says...

i need more info. was the teen doing something like robbing the place? he was handcuffed and taken away.

i am not trying to belittle those kicks, he obviously had his hands up.... i don't know, depends on the cirumstances. $450k is a lot of money for 3 kicks.

googled it: sounds like some shady business was going down but the judge let this kid off.... so he decided to sue for a half million. i don't know what amount of testicle damage and chest/face pain could be worth that much money...

i guess it comes down to an old belief of mine: you know who didn't get kicked in the face? the kid NOT selling drugs to undercover cops.

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EmptyFriend says...

I don't think anyone would call your submission a dupe, so don't worry about it. I don't suppose that girl has the last name Phelps? Seems like perfect westboro baptist material...

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