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The Fine Tuning of the Universe

The Kalam Cosmological Argument

DrewNumberTwo says...

Even if we accept that every earthly miracle in the Bible happened, such as seas parting, water being turned to wine, and dozens or hundreds of people being brought back to life, that still doesn't mean that one guy's explanation is worth considering. Further, we couldn't examine his claim in any useful way since it says that the cause is supernatural.

shinyblurry said:

The mainstream theory these days is that something came from nothing. That to me seems to be the idea which could not have any justification. The idea that the God of the bible is the Creator of our Universe is something that touches history, in the life death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. If Jesus was resurrected from the dead then His claims about the order of the cosmos, and our relation to it, warrant an investigation; if not, then they should be discarded.

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Tormenting girlfriend with Lord of the Rings quotes

DrewNumberTwo says...

The comment seems to be saying that men and women are in leagues, otherwise only women could be out of each other's league. Settling for someone that might be considered "not in her league" doesn't mean that she didn't have reasons for doing so, but even if she didn't have any reason, or even if she had bad reasons, there's nothing sexist about that statement. The same reasoning could apply to men. There's nothing sexist at all in the comment.

FlowersInHisHair said:

Assuming that women are in "leagues", and that therefore that this woman has settled for someone "not in her league" rather than having her own reasons for choosing a partner is sexist.

Tormenting girlfriend with Lord of the Rings quotes

Through the mud with a woman

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What Men Are Really Saying When Catcalling Women

The future of ghost-riding?

DrewNumberTwo says...

Cars will still have to be insured since accidents can still happen, but there will be many fewer accidents. Insurance companies will make shitloads of money because they won't be paying out nearly as much. It wouldn't surprise me to see them offer significant discounts to anyone with a self driving car.

robbersdog49 said:

Traffic accidents would be virtually eliminated. The insurance industry probably has the most to lose when it comes to self driving cars, without a risk to insure against they can't make any money.


DrewNumberTwo says...

No, again, that's not at all what they did. They protested by dancing and were beaten up for it. There's no need for an analogy. It's not hard to understand. They did something that was right, some other people did something that was wrong, and you don't give a shit.

lucky760 said:

Those girls poured the gasoline and danced around a lit match.



DrewNumberTwo says...

I guess people who don't have rights shouldn't fight for them.

lucky760 said:

Hey stupids, you're not in America. In communist Russia, cops can and will fuck your shit up, even with cameras and an audience.

Don't put your head in an alligator's mouth then be surprised when it bites down.

Inexpensive way to heat your room

Hummingbird Hawk Moth

DrewNumberTwo says...

DNA is not a language. The word language implies that someone created it, but we haven't proven that. DNA contains molecules that do certain things. Those molecules could be interpreted as information, but so could any other matter, such as the rings of a tree. Just because DNA works a certain way doesn't mean that we get to slap any label we want on it.

How would I tell the difference between a universe that is designed, and one that wasn't? Just like I tell that anything else was designed. I compare the two. Do you have a designed universe for me to compare this one to?

shinyblurry said:

It has digital information storage and retrieval, optimization, redundancy, and error correction.

DNA is also a language, and it has an alphabet, a coding system, correct spelling, grammar, meaning and intended purpose. Because DNA can be both classified as a code and a language, both of which we know only come from minds, we can reasonably conclude that DNA was intelligently designed.

I would pose the would you tell the difference between a Universe that was designed and one that wasn't? How would you know which one you were in?

Hummingbird Hawk Moth

DrewNumberTwo says...

If it's true that separate people can design things which are similar, then we're done. Your point is invalid. Your analogy about 747s is irrelevant, but even if it wasn't, it still isn't an accurate analogy since two 747s are the exact same design. We're talking about similar designs, and there are many, many airplanes that have a design that's similar to a 747.

Evolution, though, isn't a designer. It's just a word we use to describe a process. That process results in some life looking similar to other life, which isn't surprising considering that many of the environments that have life are similar.

Your assertion about the hummingbird wing being independently developed straining credulity and probability is just a bare assertion. Similar things have happened many times. I don't understand why it's surprising that species in a similar environment would development similar solutions to similar problems. To say that they were designed by a force that you don't understand isn't reasonable. It's not even an explanation.

shinyblurry said:

It's true that separate people can design things which are similar, however, let us say that you saw two 747s flying on different continents..would you assume that they were separately designed?

According to your beliefs, as some have pointed out, the hummingbird and hummingmoth were designed by the evolutionary process, so the observation would hold true; a common design does indicate a common designer. You may believe that designer is evolution, and the miracle of the hummingbird wing was independently developed in the hummingmoth, but that strains credulity and probability. It is more reasonable to believe that they were intelligently designed.

It would not be correct to say that I assume that there is a design. I know there is a design because I know there is a God.

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