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Kevin Smith's "Red State" second trailer

DarkenRahl says...

Make it eternity and you're on.

>> ^quantumushroom:

Don't need your approval, acceptance or attention. Someone needs to inform The People(tm) this cineturd is DOA, if the trailer didn't 'explain' it already.
Here's a nice bet for you. If this fat a-hole's movie is a success, I'll stay off the sift for a month.
>> ^kymbos:
QM: "Notice me!!!!"

Universal Cancels Dark Tower

Nice Optical Illusion in Paris

DarkenRahl says...

>> ^xxovercastxx:

>> ^braindonut:
The fisheye lens certainly doesn't hurt.

I see that distortion, too, but it's not a fisheye.
For one, the distortion is near the center of the image. More importantly, it keeps shifting around throughout the video.
I think we might just be seeing the effects of crappy digital equipment.

I believe it's a combination of a wobbly iPhone 4 and the latest warp stabilizer found in Adobe After Effects 5.5.

Trolling is an art

Tintin movie: full trailer

Amazing Artist

DarkenRahl says...

I'm so sick of reality talent shows that feature panels of people who burst into tears as the music swells and we're all supposed to feel right with the universe and then go buy Coca-Cola.

The technique is interesting for the 2 seconds he's throwing dust. The lead-up is less than exciting and the product is not worth hanging on a wall, in my (super pessimistic) opinion.

Lawsuit After Guy Tasered 6 Times For Crooked License Plate

Helicopter films tractor-trailer being DESTROYED by tornado

Fight zombies as Buffy, Machete, or Freddy Krueger! Kind of!

Black Comedian/Cultural Critic Responds to Trump's Racism

It's not what you say, it's how you say it

DarkenRahl says...

Thank God that sighted, (obviously) educated, well-dressed, employed lady was there to help out that poor, blind, homeless idiot who obviously doesn't know the first thing about basic marketing.

Ricky Gervais, Jerry Seinfeld, Chris Rock and Louis CK talk

Portal 2 - Meet Bill

Hawken - Indie Game - Cockpit gameplay footage

Extremely Drunk Guy on the News

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