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Diablo 3 Stress Test Weekend! (Videogames Talk Post)

Crosswords says...

I've been in the beta for awhile, but the recent attention its been getting has gotten me to fire it up again. First thing I'll say is its fun, especially when you gain a few levels/skills and better weapons.

I think its graphically appropriate for Diablo, one of the issues I have visually is that special monsters and mini-bosses glow shiny yellow or blue, and I find it distracting from the rest of the game's visuals.

As fort he skills, I kind of understand what they're trying to do, but for all its flaws I still prefer the skill tree/stat assigning. Though I do appreciate that you can change skills with ease. I never liked feeling stuck to one build with few opportunities to re-spec.

The always online thing does suck. Despite the online AH and achievements they could have added an offline mode for those who just want a single player experience and aren't concerned about the other stuff.

But its still monster smashin, loot grabbin, dungeon crawlin fun.

Evolution is Completely Irrational & Scientifically Bankrupt

Rick Santorum Suspends His Campaign

Crosswords says...

>> ^Quboid:

Serious question - do Americans respond well to things like that flag in the background?
If David Cameron came out and spoke in front of a massive Union Jack, I and many others would think it looks embarrassing, like he's trying too hard. The flags at the side would be fine; personally I could live without them but that's within the realms of each to their own.

More like they respond poorly to its absence. Back in the '08 election Obama said he wouldn't wear a flag pin on his lapel because words and actions should speak louder than hollow symbols. It didn't take him long to start wearing it again, and as far as I know he still does.

Abstinence Fail: State With Highest Teen Birth Rate -- TYT

Crosswords says...

>> ^dag:

I'm all for sex ed, but correlation is not causation - as is quickly skimmed over by Cenk, ethnicity, income etc would play a much larger role than just a few crppy high school health classes.

It would be better to see birthrates before and after abstinence only education in just Mississippi. It would still be a correlation, but at least you're comparing two similar populations.

I'm going to make a VS political compass chart for fun. (Politics Talk Post)

I'm going to make a VS political compass chart for fun. (Politics Talk Post)

Nancy Grace Ignores Trayvon Martin Case -- TYT

Cop Abuses Power Searching Star Trek Fan's Car For No Reason

Coffee Snobs

Crosswords says...

>> ^EvilDeathBee:

"You know how there are those pretentious assholes that work at high end coffee shops and they make you feel stupid if you're not as obsessed with a stupid drink as they are?"
No I don't. Are these common place in the US? Does good coffee equal pretentious arsehole selling it to you?
My local cafe when, when I was living in Melbourne, the waitresses were so friendly and oh-so lovely, and their coffee was amazing (and so was the food) with their own blends.
Don't have to be snobby or pretentious to sell good coffee, but I guess since good coffee is easy to come by in Melbourne, there's no need to feel snobby about it.

I'm sure there are a few in the larger cities, I wouldn't say common. I've been in a few hipster pretentious coffee shops, where most of the pretentiousness was coming from the people I went with. The coffee was always odd tasting, the establishment dirty, and the seating overly casual, aka big disgusting couches.

Kitty Kat Kennels

Crosswords says...

Oh god the nostalgia IT BURNS!! On another note, wow did they ever over/misuse the standard cartoon sound effects. I wonder how many of the other cartoons of my childhood are like that.

Tom Green on Text Messaging and Human de-evolution

Bath Salts? (Drugs Talk Post)

Crosswords says...

Really? See its crap like this why I can't buy wind-shield wiper fluid without getting carded >_<. Just make weed legal already so the kids can stop trying to smoke, snort, huff, shoot-up or otherwise ingest industrially created chemicals for a cheap thrill. /oldmanrant

Awesome footage of the Navy railgun and behind the scenes

Fox News Fakes Up Audience Support For War or John Bolton

Crosswords says...

>> ^Yogi:

Dude you're on tv, and you're not a trucker, take the fucking toothpick out of your mouth...Just Fucking Rude.

He might be a trucker. Check his breath for slimjims. Or maybe the toothpick is there to illustrate he has a point coming out of his mouth. See what we don't know is Bolton had a disgusting mush of chewing tobacco in his mouth he was using to illustrate he'd spit slurry of crap at you if you asked him a poignant question.

Just Admiral Ackbar

Crosswords says...

There are two rules to remember if you want to have an awesome life like puppet, rule number one, never run out of Colt 45, rule number two never forget rule number one.

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