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Nude unicyclist arrested; caught red buttocked

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So when I got to Videosift in my start-up tabs this morning (Commercial Talk Post)

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Is Occupy Wall Street Working? -- TYT

Crosswords says...

>> ^legacy0100:

I remember having this conversation with my brother few months ago. I compared the Occupy movement with the Stop SOPA/PIPA movement, and how the Stop SOPA movement was so successful in such short period of time, when Occupy movement has been going on for a longer period of time but couldn't materialize any 'real change'.
For one thing, the occupy movement started out demanding accountability in the bank/finance industry. Then the agenda blew up to having social equality of laborers, minority rights, states rights, environmental rights etc etc. It tried taking in EVERY social reform agenda that was out there, taking the focus away from the original efforts demanding real reform in the financial industry.
Last year I remember Occupy protesters coordinating a march on Martin Luther King Jr day. Now I'm sure this is all a good message, but what does this have to do with Wall Street? This only goes to show that this mass movement is lacking focus, and in desperate need of core representatives, like we did during SOPA/PIPA movement when first lead the march, and other giants such as Wikipedia had moved in.

I think the major success of the SOPA/PIPA protests was that there were several very large corporations like google and facebook supporting and participating in the protests. It made it very hard for the media to ignore and detractors to dismiss the protestors as jobless smelly hippies.

And I think you're right about them losing focus. If they start to include every liberal cause under the sun they're going to alienate a lot of people who support financial reform, but may not support gay marriage, or increased environmental regulations.

While more successful over all, the tea party also lost a lot of support when they started subverting the economic reform message with social conservative agendas.

Bill Maher ~ New Rules (May 4th 2012)

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Perfectly Executed - Diablo III Interview with Jay Wilson

Crosswords says...

>> ^rottenseed:

I have a feeling this game is going to cost me about $'s time for a new computer. There's something not right about masturbating using the company laptop...
...especially at work

Well the game isn't graphically demanding, but those sticky keys might be a hindrance.

Cave JohnsonTalking about User DLC Chambers

Your logical fallicy is: (Philosophy Talk Post)

Picard meets God

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