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How It's Made - McDonald's Fries

Crosswords says...

Not surprised they're actual cut potatoes at all. Now if you told me Burger King or Jack in the Box's fries were real I'd slap you across the face and call you a liar. Granted it's been a long time since I've had either so they could have conceivably changed them. IMO McDonald's fries are fresh and made right they're some of the best, when they're not they're some of the worst.

Bill Burr - Girl Or Really Effeminate Guy Runs Over Woman

Gator vs Truck

Coffee Expert Reviews Cheap Shitty Coffee

Gigantic School of Rays Try to Fly

Great White Shark Attacks Inflatable Boat - Now What??

Crosswords says...

It sucks when even after using your teeth you can't get your snacks out the package. Food companies really need to think about redesigning their products for the modern shark on the go.

redneck road rage karma strikes back

Crosswords says...

She appears to be going about 60mph, and she is actively passing the other vehicles. I've seen varying reports that the posted speed limit is 45-50 (US 41 near Tampa Florida). Hard to know without knowing exactly where the incident took place on that road.

Given what we see in the video, she could have handled it better, but the guy was a massive douche. She shouldn't have to risk her safety, or violate the law (she may have already been speeding) to appease his impatience.

Some people seem to think being in the left lane entitles them to go as fast as they want, and anyone not going faster than them should immediately get out of their way.

Yes people should get over, regardless of speed (its not up to other drivers to enforce the speed-limits), if they can do so safely. However they shouldn't have to violate the law (i.e. speed), nor should they have to if they are passing slower moving vehicles at a decent rate (going 1/10th of a mph faster doesn't count). Also getting over should not entail you to cut-off the people in the right lane. And when you've got someone tail-gating you there's a good chance they'll try to zoom around you before you've gotten a safe distance in-front of the right lane traffic to get over (I've seen that happen a lot).

Titanfall Gameplay video @ 1440p

Crosswords says...

I think its supposed to run at 900p at launch, maybe hit 1080p on a patch later down the line. At least so go the rumors, won't know till it actually launches. Seems like a better game to play on the PC anyways.

RFlagg said:

It was one of the best games I've ever played. Certainly the best shooter. That PC beta period didn't last nearly long enough and can't wait to play it again. I had an i3 530 and nVidia 450 GTS at the time and still got fairly good graphics on my 1600x900 monitor... By March 11th I should have a new i7 4770k and an nVidia GTX 770 and a 1080p monitor so win there... Quad Titans on the system shown though is insane... And can the XBox One even do the game on 1080p or was it locked to 720p like most other titles? Which is the crazy part... I mean, I might get an XBox One Titanfall edition since you get the game and a headset for no additional cost, and Destiny sadly isn't coming to PC for some odd reason.

TYT: Tom Perkins 1 dollar, 1 vote

Crosswords says...

The funny thing is, if this plan existed, there would be one upside. The national debt would be paid for so quick. Corporations would gladly pay huge percentages of their profits just to out-vote other corporations. We'd be able to keep our bloated defense budget. We'd be able to throw all kinds of money at infrastructure, education, and science.

They'd just use their paid for politicians to refund them all money they spent in one way or another. Kind of like they already do.

Everyday Products You've Been Using Wrong

Dude pisses on red hot lava.

Car Wreck Fail - Guy Blasting Music Wrecks His Car

Crosswords says...

Driving on the wrong side of the road while trying to pass 20 some cars and getting in a wreck; who'd have thought something like that was possible? I really hope that audio wasn't added later, because the collision was at the perfect time, suck my DI**CRUNCH**

Dog ***LOVES*** Dior perfume

Dog wants a Kitty

Can We Resurrect the Dinosaurs? Neanderthal Man?

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