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Politicians Denying Climate Change ...Because of God

CreamK says...

It gets worse than that. There are number of high profile christians that believe climate change is man made and it triggers the rapture. That is just perverse, these people actually WANT to hurt the planet as they believe that they are doing Gods work while polluting. That's how sick religions can get people.

Everything Wrong with Man of Steel in 8 Minutes or less

CreamK says...

Seeing these, i noticed that i've skipped the mid part of this stupid stupid film. And most of the stuff that i saw, i thought exactly what Moviesins showed here. One of the most awfullest movies i've watched in a long long time. And those buttplugs at Krypton, just wow..

BBC's Stephen Sackur goes toe-to-toe with Greenwald...

CreamK says...

A very good comparison on state mass surveillance: Police could solve and stop 99% of crimes if they were allowed to enter any establishment, home, business, warehouse and cottage in the country. If every squarecentimeter of space is accessible any time, any moment, they got freedom to rummage thru your things, open every cupboard and pantry, crime would be almost abolished.

But even with that promise we didn't allow that to happen. The same thing is with internet but with a lot more secretive fashion. Imagine those polices to be able to enter your house, invisible, listen what you say and do, 24/7. And it goes even further: internet searches reveal more about you than you show to people closest to you. As a crimestopping device, it's not as effective as it gather a whole different kind of data: you, as a person, you're opinions, beliefs and secrets. It's like state official standing in the corner of your living room and writing down everything just in case you say something wrong.

"I got nothing to hide" is the most destructive attitude that anyone can have. It's coming from someone that lives in denial. I can think of a several methods to obscure my data (not forever but enough time) to get any kind of crime planned and executed without NSA or anyone figuring out what i'm up to before it's too late. It REALLY is not difficult to get 2-3 days of headstart, change channels, methods, devices to keep anyone following my datatrail always enough behind. The ONLY motive for mass collecting data is to control innocent people, period. Every single terrorist plot they have solved so far have been from open communications, non-encrypted and sometimes even accessible thru google searches! Don't be an idiot taking this "if you got nothing to hide" as is. If you got nothing to hide, post your online search terms from past two weeks, porn and every image you look at here.

Don't Crash Into The Tree

Cassini's "Wave At Saturn" Revealed

Scandinavian Preschool: No bad weather, just bad clothes

CreamK says...

There is something very simple but effective in work here. Letting kids be kids, let them get dirty and adults just hanging out with them teaches more valuable lessons of life than any hovering tiger-mom style. Asian countries have surpassed Scandinavian in math skills but at horrible cost. It's just stupid to put kids in to super-learning mode if they grow up unhappy, with social skill problems, unable to fit or feel accomplished.. I like our way of doing things, thank you very much. Eat dirt, climb where you shouldn't and fall down, scrape knees, explore without fear, get hurt, discover, all of that is important part of growing up.

Rocket Launch Failure Compilation (31:51)

Russell Brand Interviewed By A Very Excited Fan

CreamK says...

I've worked with disabled children and i know exactly how you feel. It takes a lot of effort and the main thing is to know them as a person. Us non-disabled beings, we have a complex set of rules and customs, we can pick up personal traits in seconds, sometimes milliseconds and a lot of it involved body language, subtle little nuances in the speech patterns. Interacting disabled, that layer is affected. In the end, when you have established a connection, when you know what they think, how they, needs, wants, dreams etc. the interaction is exactly like it is with anyone else.

Even after working with this children successfully and actually loving them to bits (my departure from that field was heart breaking, i still get tears in my eyes) it's still a hurdle each time i meet a new person who has disabilities. But don't worry, they have this interaction as a default, it's the same with everyone they meet. Disabled have gotten used to it and know that if you hangs out long enough to know them as a person, it's worth the effort. Some act that they don't have that hurdle at all when they feel it, overact and try to show empathy which is even worse as it turn into patronizing very fast. Just be natural, if you're shy, you're shy. If you're reserved, you are reserved. One trait was very common with all kids i had the chance of knowing: they see your emotional state like you see colors so don't try to act or pretend. Just be yourself.

artician said:

That really brought a smile to my face. I personally don't know how to act around people I meet in every day life, so interactions with disabled people have always been extra difficult. I do my honest best to be a kind person to everyone, but I fail miserably in that (phobias and avoidance, nothing mean, ever). I dig Russell Brand for his insane dip into celebrity and then the rationalization and intelligence to come out the other side seeing things as they really are for everyday individuals (politically, etc).
This video just makes my day because he's so wonderful to this girl, and she makes my day for pursuing her goals so honestly (or deceptively, in terms of affection).

Unsold Automobile Storage Facilities ~ Worldwide Snapshots

CreamK says...

They rather destroy them than sell cheaper. What is morally and ethically right does not fit to capitalist view, if they had given these to needy, the prices of next gen cars would've dropped.

spawnflagger said:

what ever happened to supply and demand?
If there is such an overstock and low demand, shouldn't car prices be lower?

Also, I've seen similar pictures in port cities (L.A. for example) where they have to store cars that come off the boats before they ship them to their land-locked destinations.

Australian Copyright Is Broken

CreamK says...

Creating your own entertainment takes jobs away from poor international corporations. You evil evil person, why would you do that? You might encourage non-corporal thinking, it even might be. dare i say.. anti-consumerism..

Perfectly Sumed Up Problems With the New YouTube Comments

Wikileaks has released another bombshell

CreamK says...

When did Wikileaks lie? Must've missed that one. Want proof, well, that's easy. Just go and read those reports, they are all open now.

RT is Russia Times, yes. They are still news and blatantly lying don't fit to even the worst reputable news sources (excluding Fox, which which actually does lie on day-to-day basis). Not reporting, coloring the truth, exaggerating or down-playing, those are the weapons news media uses.

In Europe, we heard about this deal months ago but since it's literally on the other side of the world, we don't care enough. And we can't really do anything about it.

skinnydaddy1 said:

Sorry, do to the fact wikileaks has already lied once and RT is government owned propaganda station trying to pass off as a news channel. I can not trust anything they report.
Does anyone have any independently verified documentation to back this up?

Mixtapes Explained to Modern Kids

Top 10 Political Lies of All Time

Raise The Minimum Wage -- Robert Reich

CreamK says...

Because inflation is used to drive money towards the very very few. It's essentially one part of economic cycle hijacked: if you don't raise wages with inflation, someone is going to pocket that money. Those who do, are not the ones paying wages. System controls inflation by creating more money out of thin air. Money that's being pumped out is then laundered to assets that aren't affected by inflation.

If you want to gather a nest egg, savings for the rainy day, invest in valuable metals.... It's basically the only thing a middle class can afford and trust. Don't invest to anything that exist only in paper.

Next: derivatives are cashed out..They are astronomical in scale of value, all exist only in paper. By collapsing that, then catching just a small portion of the perceived value and changing that to other type of assets is still billions. Which is the next part of systematic market meltdown, where trillions are used to pocket billions to very small number of bags.

Grimm said:

No need to get all slippery slope....I think it makes sense if we have a minimum wage that it should at least stay adjusted for inflation.

Increasing it to match inflation isn't giving them a raise or increasing their purchasing power....but leaving it alone is actually decreasing their purchasing power over effect lowering the minimum wage.

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