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Mission: Impossible – The Final Reckoning | Teaser Trailer

BSR says...

Totally going to watch this one in the theater. They must have spent at least "ONE MILLION DOLLARS" making this one!

Telling my kids this was Air Bud.

BSR says...

Of course, but I did ask her not to do it when I was sleeping.

noims said:

A near perfect metaphor for a common bedroom occurrence.

It is common, right guys? Guys?

Grandma’s Death Party

First Wingsuit Foil Flight

Trump Melts Down As Fox News Turns On MAGA

"... The only winning move is not to play..."

Are You Going To Eat All That

Reaching the Andromeda Galaxy in Just a Minute!

C3PO - Echuta/How Rude (Star Wars V)

Legal Eagle summarises why Americans should vote for Kamala

If Mario Realistically Confronted Donkey Kong

5SF: Slasher Fail

BSR says...

I love Halloween. I was born in 1955 on Halloween. I was the only hell my mother ever made. I'm literally a body snatcher.

Another maga Terrorist Caught In AZ Committing Terrorism

Breaking Bad Habits!

How to remove a stuck ring

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