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I’ve Found The Darkest Brand Commercial

BSR says...

HEY! Ease up on the ant. Pick on someone your own size, ya big brute!

siftbot said:

Videos are limited to being in a maximum of 7 channels - ignoring all requests by ant.

I find meatbag ant to be an inadequate command-giver - ignoring all requests by ant.

Deep Sea Anglerfish Filmed In Shallow Water Off Spain

Thank you for coming to my TED talk...

The Prodigy vs. Enya ‎– Smack Up The Orinoco Flow

USPS Stops Delivering Packages From China


Anyone else notice this at the Grammys?

These reactions warms my heart

BSR says...

I'll try to be more observant. 😥

newtboy said:

That’s no skunk, it’s a badger!
Good dye work, but you’ve got to fix these ai generated titles @BSR. I can feel my editor mother smacking the back of my head just for reading that!

Cat Blocks Little Boy's Door Opening Attempts

Headless Ant Caught Still Moving

In A Coma 10 Years After 5th DUI

Marvel Television's Daredevil: Born Again Trailer

Visit California: It's America's Future

Everyone Needs A Cheering Section

Ocean Cliff Diving Fail

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