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Grappler Police Bumper - No more PIT maneuver

Asmo says...

Because the anchor is at the rear of the vehicle, it would normalise any such manouver, ie. a sudden turn that would typically result in a roll over (assume back left wheel is trapped and the suspect turns hard left or right) would be arrested by the trap if they turned left, as the left wheel would want to rise to flip the car, and might actually be exacerbated if they turn right, where the tether would go under the car and anchor the wheel, increasing the momentum of the body of the car over that pivot point.

However, much like the example of weight in the rear of a trailer reducing the chance of loss of control, any turn would be damped by the addition of an entire car attached to the back of the vehicle, such that I think any turning manouver would likely be dulled substantially.

Additionally, as soon as the thing is deployed, the car is going to decelerate rapidly as it's essentially anchored.

On the surface, if you can control the deployment, looks like it would be a winner.

mas8705 said:

I'm sure this might have been answered already, but I feel like it does need to be answered: What would happen if the suspect were to try and suddenly turn the steering wheel after getting snagged? I don't want to assume that the car could still flip, or still have some control rather than be forced to drive forward until it comes to a complete stop.

If anyone knows the answer, please feel free to respond. I don't want to be negative here of course since it is a legit question to ask.

President Trump: How & Why...

Asmo says...

Yep, keep throwing tantrums. Yelling insults and stomping around like a 2 year old worked for Trump, why shouldn't it work for the left..? X D

And as for "Most of me just thinks that liberals or SJWs or whatever you want to call them, just need to stop being so fucking meek and apologising for being right.", give me a fucking break...

You mean those same meek people featured in thousands of hours of documented video assaulting people, screaming at people, demanding that people lose their rights to, oh I don't know, little things like the freedom of speech, expression, scientific inquiry etc...

I disagree with Trump and his hardcore supporters 100%, but they not only have the right to say whatever they want, they have the right to believe in whatever they want, and I'll defend those rights. You (and the rest of the SJW twats) want to set aside those rights? You don't even get that you're cutting off your nose to spite your face...

Seriously, you even read that post back before you hit submit? How fucking entitled do you need to be that you think democracy should be thrown out just because you don't like the result?

ChaosEngine said:

Yeah, I do know who "those people" are, they're the fucking morons who voted for Trump.

See, here's the thing. I'm no longer interested in bringing them round or convincing them. Fuck 'em. We've had centuries of social progress from the abolition of slavery to women's suffrage to the civil rights movement to SSM. If they haven't got the message by now, I really don't give a shit.

But as a culture and a society we need to stop fucking pandering to these assholes. The idea that "everyone is entitled to an opinion" is a very important idea. But somewhere along the line that got mixed up with "everyone's opinion is equally valid".

I don't really have a solution for this. Part of me is actually considering what I would classify as extreme, abhorrent measures. Most of me just thinks that liberals or SJWs or whatever you want to call them, just need to stop being so fucking meek and apologising for being right.

Either way, we don't have time for this bullshit anymore.

This is what a fucking Trump presidency gets you.

At this stage, as utterly undemocratic as it is, I'm just hoping the Electoral College ignores the election (which it can totally do) and elects Hillary.

Yeah, she's a pretty poor candidate and she's in the pocket of business and blah, blah, fucking blah.

I don't care.

She's not an insane climate denying buffoon.

Baby Iguana Being Chased By Snakes

Donald Trump: 50 supporters explain why they love him

Asmo says...

Speaks volumes of how parlous the establishment is and how sick and tired people are of it that they will literally grab on to anything in the hopes of fixing things up.

Blame the people that allowed America to become the way it is for making Trump seem viable...

This is the best day ever!

Man Arrested & Punched for Sitting on Mom's Front Porch

Asmo says...

I am not questioning your credentials, your intent or anything like that.

And I understand that what you are saying is logically the best course of action for any individual, that being the one that doesn't result in the person being in a body bag.

But unfortunately things tend to not change unless blood is spilled and lives are lost. It's moments like these that shock people out of their complacency. I don't need to tell you this of course, you understand it explicitly already (eg. mentioning Stonewall, for example). Black lives matter started out of this, and while I disagree ideologically with their methods of whitewashing (pun intended) the stats to ignore black deaths at the hands of black perpetrators, I think generally it has at least focused the spotlight back on what is essentially acceptable racism, ie. that any person with black skin is a ticking timebomb of crime and we should all feel justified in treating them that way... = \

But even if you take out the element of standing up against a bad system, there is still that frustration that causes a person to eventually say "Fuck it...". And yeah, I agree, it's far better personally to just eat shit and wait for daylight, but I understand why someone who makes all the right moves and still get's treated badly will finally push back, despite the possibility of tragic consequences.

bareboards2 said:

Well, I fully support the Black Lives Movement. Peaceful, and sometimes agitated, marching for justice. Gay Rights. That explosive moment at Stonewall in Greenwich Village, when the gay men fought back and said NO MORE.

Do I want a single woman who is in danger of being physically assaulted to "fight back?" A single gay man? A single black person? No, honey bunny, I absolutely do not. I think that is the height of idiocy for a single individual to fight back against one, two, three men. Especially when they are armed and have proven that they are capable of using that weapon in anger, fear, adrenaline.

Keep yourself safe, deescalate the situation if you can, submit to rape [edit] IF you think the man/men will kill you if you do fight back -- fight back if it is safe to fight back. (Interesting stat -- something like 90% of assaults against women are by single unarmed attackers. No gun? No knife? Try to avoid, try to deescalate, and if that doesn't work, fight back and yell and make yourself as difficult a target as possible.)

I took a self defense class years ago, geared towards women protecting themselves from violence by men. Not because I was afraid, but because of the psychological skills that we were taught about setting boundaries, taking charge, making choices -- skills needed in every day life that can also be applied to rare events of possible violence.

It was called Powerful Choices. Choices, my friend. Choices.

I must say, it is shocking to me that so many people live in a zero sum world. A black and white world. Where there is only one way to respond despite the actual circumstances. That this moment has to be used to fight larger battles or you are a failure.

I am a big fan of using your noggin to be safe. A fan of demonstrations (I prefer peaceful.) A fan of changing the laws, the procedures, the culture. A fan of acting strategically for the long run.

So you have me all wrong, my friend. All wrong.

Man Arrested & Punched for Sitting on Mom's Front Porch

Asmo says...

Okay, so when men dominate women unfairly, you're happy for women to curtsy and live by men's leave..? Because men might threaten violence against women? Because that was the way it was? There was never a point where you stood up even though you feared it might result in harm to yourself?

There comes a point in time when it's no longer okay, when people are driven so far and they can't take it anymore. Surely you can understand that? How many women, or gays, or blacks, or "insert whatever you want here" have suffered because they were willing to stand up and fight against the tyranny?

bareboards2 said:

And crappy as it is, he was resisting. Don't yell at a cop. Even when they are dead wrong. Just don't. Unfortunately that is just the way it is. Life isn't fair. And I know it is on top of hundreds of years of unfairness. And still. Tug your forelock, look at the ground, seethe inside. And you don't get arrested.

A Woman's Guide to Woodworking - Building an End Table

A Woman's Guide to Woodworking - Building an End Table

Asmo says...

Is it the bit where she ineptly tries to be ironic by adding on pointless bits like "how to apply mascara"? Maybe the silly double entendres about screwing etc? Or the flip flop between "I'm just a helpless woman who can't do anything" to "Fuck sake people, of course I can do this"..?

Irony is only irony when it reverses expectations. Perhaps this would be hilarious to a person who honestly believes that she is the ditsy centerfold she spends half the video making out to be. Maybe if she maintained some sort of constant narrative rather than flipping between polar opposites, it wouldn't have landed so flat for me.

That being said, it's all subjective. I don't view women as incapable, subservient morons, so attempts to play up that view as the predominant one don't really get much traction with me...

She can change a tyre and make a decent end table, but she's a shit comedian.

Nephelimdream said:

Keep looking, you'll find it, maybe.

Samoyed longs for her pack. Creates her own.

Guilty Dog

Asmo says...

Without need for physical punishment, my dog knows she's in trouble when I point at something and growl "WHAT IS THIS?!?!".

Similarly, she cowers when I say "Time for a bath".

She knows what she doesn't like, and she knows when we're not happy, and the typical pack submission routine of cowering or flopping down, refusing to make eye contact, is somewhat similar to shame in humans.

eric3579 said:

Videos of animals cowering always make me uncomfortable. I always assume they cower because they have been physically punished. I have no idea if this is true but makes me think of what a child does when they are physically disciplined/abused.

A Woman's Guide to Woodworking - Building an End Table

People are awesome 2016 (Insane Edition)

Hella Pursuit, Ditches Coat, Gets Away from Cops

Greatest Olympic Gold Medal Win Ever

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