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The Truth About Twitter: You Have No Real Friends

US Office Stanley: That's what she said

This is why everyone hates fan fiction.

Aemaeth says...

>> ^Razor:
I don't think this meant to be fan-fiction as much as parody. Maybe I just "get it" =P

The actually story is written seriously. The narration and animation is by someone different and is to parody the crappy story. That's cool that he wants to learn english, but it doesn't make the story any less crappy.

This is why everyone hates fan fiction.

Worlds Worst Kiss

Stewart vs. Cramer - Mano-A-Mano on the Daily Show

Aemaeth says...

Stewart has an awesome formula for getting people in fun spots:

1. Call them out on the air.
2. Make sure that person is heckled about it every time they go on the air with someone else.
3. If they defend themselves, then get them again the next day.
4. Repeat until they want to come on your show, then slaughter them.

It works cuz it's on Comedy Central. Funny when I can't think of a better candidate for Pulitzer than a guy on a comedy show....

Best to test your site backups.

Real Government Safety Video. No Seriously, It Is.

Aemaeth says...

It seems ridiculous to me too, but I can vouch that it is REAL. I got it straight from the source (a mutual friend posted it on YT, so no self-posting here).

How NOT To Pull A Car Out Of The Mud

Real Government Safety Video. No Seriously, It Is.

Aemaeth says...

>> ^Throbbin:
Excellent sift Aemaeth.
You can never be too safe, right?
I would like to say I would love to see a parody....but this almost looks like a parody itself.

Reminds me of a Microsoft Vista sales hype video from a while back.

Username Fix Requests Go Here (Sift Talk Post)

Aemaeth says...

I'm missing some star points. I think they're from deadpool fixes before the rules were changed regarding them. How is that being handled?

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