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The Unfunny Truth about Scientology (A bit graphic)

8972 says...

It is disheartening to see how "religion" can cause people who are otherwise "normal" to behave in a manner which is anything but normal. I don't think all people are capable of being "converted" in this manner, but, unfortunately some are. I was one of those unfortunate types who fell prey to a "religious cult", albeit a more benign form of the virus than Scientology. I have since distanced myself from all forms of the virus. Nevertheless, it is extremely difficult to rid yourself of it completely. I am still recovering.
It is, on the other hand, heartening to witness the growth in the popularity of humanist and reasoned thought that we see emerging of late. Religion has gotten a "free ride" for far too long, and I for one am thankful to see it being viewed in a more critical light.
Many of us are looking for answers to deep questions....religionists are legion who will provide you with the "truth" that you seek. This "truth" amounts to as they proudly call it. More often it is only lies, fervently perpetuated as "truth" under the guise of faith.

Guard yourself against this "truth". At the very least your sanity is at stake.
Best regards.

-- lostonearth

Martin Luther King - I Have A Dream Speech

8972 says...

Poignant and powerful, now as then.
Sadly, change has come in increments, and is still lacking. This speech never fails to make me cry. It was/is a noble dream.

-- lostonearth

BBC - Horizon - The Bible Code

8972 says...

So much time and effort has been spent on studying this ancient book. Where has it gotten them?
Their efforts could well be better spent, in my opinion.
It's a "coded" book all right. That becomes quickly apparent to anyone who has tried to make sense of it.

-- lostonearth

Eric Clapton - Over The Rainbow

Bullet Ants + Glove + Hand = Manhood

8972 says...

This makes you a man?? Seems like a grotesque ritual to me, but to each culture it's own.
Suffering through life would seem like trial enough for any man....but who am I to judge?
I'll remain a candyass thank you.

-- lostonearth

UFO-Obsesed Christians Science Public Access Television

Huckabee & God vs Me & Zeus

Monkey see, Monkey.... pee?

Entire Scientology Awards Show! Watch it Before It's Gone!

8972 says...

Imagine how bad things would be if it weren't for Scientology??
The world would just be in a handbasket, headed for hell.
It's seems that the farther out something is, the more appealing it is.
(Having taken psychiatric drugs for depression, and suffered through the withdrawal of terminating, I can't say that what they are saying about them is too far from the truth though).
But all crackpot groups have something of truth in them.

This makes me angry.

-- lostonearth1

The Persistence Hunt

Jack White totally getting into it. Let's build a home

Austin Stevens bitten by a cobra

8972 says...

Anybody stupid enough to torment a venemous snake like this guy does, deserves what he gets. It's hard to blame the snake when it's only defending itself. I'm on the snakes side here.

So Many Men, So Little Time

Oral Sex for Her Pleasure

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