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Idiots at 'muscle car' meet

2pornot2p says...

that's incriminating footage right there. I can count as many as 3 serious offenses (jail time) . and exponentially more violations.

"Back in Black" by one man Band

Horse 1 vs. Jerk 0 [29 sec]

2pornot2p says...

When will people learn not to stand behind horses? Especially one your ARE WHIPPING SENSELESSLY! It's no surprise the horse got mad, there was no way he could've pulled that tree all by himself.

Sophia the Cleverest Escape Artist

Amazing New Input Technology SWYPE, from inventor of T9

Failed Backflip Turns to Layout on Concrete Floor

Evolving Leopard

1 victim vs. 4 security guards vs 50+ fans

I'd move in with my auntie and uncle in Bel-Air

Man Insults Reporter Live on AIr

John McCain Gets BarackRoll'd @ RNC

CNN: UFO Shoots down US Warhead, Lie about footage

2pornot2p says...

technically not a lie, but definitely misleading. I saw this post on reddit too. That site is just as contaminated by the elections as this one. I understand they are important (read : "life or death situation") but all the content is about propaganda or its devalorization. I now, you're telling me I can't trust Larry King anymore, nor the CIA!?!?!?

BTW, why would UFOs that are technologically advanced enough to cross galaxies, need to get that close to a missile in order to shoot it down. One shot from a distance is what I expect from our outer space overlords. And stealth.

Bill Maher Turns Pain Into Hate Movie - Christians Rebel! HQ

2pornot2p says...

Did anyone notice that everyone in this video looks either homeless or from a trailer park? Ironic that God's forgotten people are his biggest " fans", cause that's what they are really. They definitely aren't followers

Sarah Palin says Pipeline is "God's will, so pray for that"

2pornot2p says...

>> ^BillOreilly:
>> ^aspartam:
I can't speak intelligently on the subject

Allow me, then: What she said was perfectly acceptable, I'm sure in the context she was speaking in. She is a master speaker in any venue, be it the local bar or the neighborhood church. Palin 08'

You are being sarcastic, right? Okay, I get it now. You silly old dog, you almost got me. Ha ha, of course no one would say such a thing and mean it.

Bugatti Veyron Grand Sport Targa

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