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Obama's Closing Argument In Canton Ohio

2pornot2p says...

"Barack Obama, fired up, and trying to fire up his supporters there"

Fuck you, you dumb bitch! His supporters were fired up, he didn't have to try at all! Sounds like a comment Barbara "GOP" West would make. Wasn't it obvious that his supporters were fired up? What the fuck was she talking about, saying he was "trying" to fire them up??? Die in a fire bitch! You'll plunge not only this nation, but the entire planet in a dark abysmal hellfire if you're not careful of your wording [or your superior's wording].

Thandie Newton and Ricky Gervais read Nailin Palin script

nomino (Member Profile)

Inner city Pressure- Flight of the Conchords

2pornot2p says...

^Downunder in the house! I love Flight of the conchords.

"You're a prostitute, you know how to play the flute,, but you'll never be a concert flutist"


edit: after reviewing content, I am way off on the transcription, but you'll get the essence of my appreciation. I love you too, you know. Stop looking at me that way, I have a sister you you own a plow?

MarineGunrock (Member Profile)

2pornot2p says...

In reply to this comment by MarineGunrock:
Hahahaha - If I was in a bra I think I would have other problems to worry about than kids giggling at me! But rest assured that if my choice of sifting was something more convenient than a desktop or a massive 10lb laptop that gets hot as hell, I'd be out on my deck - and probably naked. It's a nice 77 degrees out.

In reply to this comment by nomino:
In reply to this comment by MarineGunrock:
No such thing.

Oh, yes there is. I bet you're not in a bra and underwear on the porch with your dog and 2 bottles of wine, making embed mistakes, and laughing out loud about them as the neighbors kids (boys) giggle through their bedroom windows... hmmm...I'm I right? damn 802.11g, I can sift in hd outdoors, in my underwear now, wasted or not.

Steamy late night sifts.... I'd like to see you in a bra Mr.GunRock.... haha, actually I'd like to see Nomino in a bra first, but I'll settle for you.

Microsoft Develops Table for Drinking/Alcoholics

2pornot2p says...

This might be illegal in some places. I know over here promoting drinking is illegal, and can even cost your bar its license if you call "last call" at the end of the night. Test tube shot glasses are also illegal because since you can't put them down (without spilling), they force you to drink faster and that's against the law. So this table, optimizes the best time to pester customers that otherwise might not want another drink, i.e. bar owner selling more than regularly, and customers drinking more. I know I'm pushing it, but legislators around here do as well.

Bobby McFerrin "Blackbird" - Solo

Cluster Bomb vs Cement Mixer

Obama and "Joe the Plumber"

Patrick Stewart Alphabet

Thinnest Television Ever 0.3mm [CEATEC JAPAN 2008]

aspartam (Member Profile)

Haunting Animated PSA [MUST WATCH]

Exercise Ball Claims another Moron [25 sec]

NDP candidate taking LSD, DMT, Weed While Driving [Resigns]

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