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Cheap Ambulance Ride Ends Poorly

Crazy-Ass Ad Hosted by a Crazy-Ass Man

SUV driver's revenge on a tow truck

George Bush Muscles In For Picture

10874 says...


Almost as good as a Republican that thinks most people support Bush after the thousands of protesters on that single March to Capitol Hill.

They definitely weren't gonna do that one again!

Druggie Driver Struggles to Stand

Meet your doom! Hovering Multiple Kill Vehicle is here!

Every Single Mortal Kombat vs DC Fatality

10874 says...

Unfortunately for some of you, I must point out that part of the reason things have been shitty is because of how crappy the MK games have been. Ever since MK3 and beyond, ALL of the fatalities have been SHIT.

I mean it. MK:DA has some fun gameplay and they tried to go back to their roots, but they still failed to make blood look good in 3D. However, having it stay was definitely fun, but they should have removed it at the beginning of every fatality.

Midway just can't make a Mortal Kombat game anymore because NO ONE REMEMBERS WHAT MADE MORTAL KOMBAT A GOOD GAME IN THE FIRST PLACE!

If they'd just do some really thoughtful, unique, shocking gore with some similarly non-cookie-cutter combat along with stage fatalities that aren't all boring bullshit like the new ones, such as re-doing impalement and adding realtime interaction with making the opponent get impaled, decals for entry wound/exit wound, arterial spray and blood gobs spraying out on contact with a new graphic of blood dripping out through the exit wound, blood smearing on clothing/spikes/etc, animated decals for bleeding wounds from impalement, actually decent blood splat animations for contact with the ground similar to the way it used to be in the 2D days).... and much more... I think people would actually be interested again.

Basically, THIS level of detail is what is LACKING in these new games! It's all cookie-cutter crap that's just recycled over and over, like some bullshit yearly football game!

I once had an idea of mine get implemented into a game. It was called Blood, and was developed by Monolith Software.

Initially their blood didn't make any contact with the ground, and just disappeared. I hate that. I was in the closed beta, and I sent them an email telling them the importance of having blood always make contact with the ground. I gave them an example of how shitty it is when that happens by mentioning Primal Rage and it's console ports. I also mentioned that due to it being developed on the Build engine, they'd have to match or exceed Duke Nukem 3-D's gore in order to be successful.

They then actually did it. It looked good. Unfortunately, sometimes in the game there's an arterial spray when you shoot someone and the way it worked wasn't compatible with such animations. Some higher-up scrapped it. It would have been better to have just dropped it on the arterial spray, but oh well.

They also implemented the ability to kick a decapitated head around in multiplayer due to my suggestion. I told them that Hexen had set a precedent that they had to live up to. It involved actually programming some kind of scripted physics-like behavior for the head being kicked/rolling, but they actually did it.

Back then you could actually talk to developers and maybe even get your idea heard. These days, all that ever happens is a large group assembles, money is the goal, artists have really gay ideas about how thing should look (in MK's example, at least), designers don't notice things like how shitty it looks when Scorpion's spear goes into someone's throat in the next-gen Mortal Kombat game, and it seems like no one ever actually says anything about how shitty the game they're working on is.

Enrique Iglesias' voice recorded while lip syncing

FarCry 2 - Explosive Dominos Setup!

Guitar Hero - World Tour Drum Kit - Geek

10874 says...

"Drum hero. Lame, he could learn actual drums, but instead prefers to follow the guitar parts on his plastic toy pads, just like all the little boys that like to jump around and play with their little plastic toy make belief "guitars"."

Actually, the guy knows how to play drums. And he's pretty damned good at it, too.

The ultimate Mentos commercial parody

10874 says...

Save your breath for Sharia law and 18 year old girls that get convicted of Grand Theft for stealing a plastic Christmas lawn ornament that happened to have a $5000 GPS transmitter in it.

A drunk Russian soldier drives his tank.

The ultimate Mentos commercial parody

10874 says...

It's interesting. All socially repressed males likely rejoiced when the guy cracked her, and yet most would probably never hit a girl, and spit on those who do.

I suppose these are our primal "instincts" or whatever you'd like to call them coming out.

This is similar to the reaction people have when someone who did something wrong gets punished in spades, and unjustly so. For example, many people would savagely rejoice to hear of a rapist being castrated and bled to death for what he did. Is that a just fate in a civilized society? No. Are these people sick in the mind? Seemingly.

But not necessarily.

I am not saying that I am apparently psychotic and think that cruelly rejecting a person is a crime and deserves significant retribution, by the way.

These are normal reactions. What of ourselves individually and as a species, at our lowest levels comprises them; who knows? Are they morally correct? No.

Also, you are correct in being disturbed by this reaction. I just thought I'd shed some light on exactly what was going on.

Cluster Bomb vs Cement Mixer

10874 says...

I don't know about this civilian casualty minimalization thing... Bombing a target of some degree of priority appears to take precedence over the nearby civilians next to it. Not to mention the alleged mistargeting where innocents have been killed (I call bullshit on that one: they just didn't want to look like they were sacrificing innocents to get to a target. A J-DAM doesn't just fucking miss.).

Also, there probably is something to these complaints about cluster bombs. A lot of people have been pushing against their use, and it's said that when used for anti-personnel purposes, the results can be rather chaotic to innocents nearby.

Lewis Black Blows His Top With Anderson Cooper

10874 says...

You know, it's fucking true. Want something completely fucked over? Give it to the private sector.

The human fucking race would become extinct if it weren't for intervening efforts on the part of concerned individuals who actually give a shit about what happens tomorrow.

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