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Mother Maybelle and the Carter Sisters with Chet Atkins

Rush - One Little Victory. Live performance.

Dark Side of The Rainbow!

Hillary WASN'T LYING! Bosnia gunfire footage discovered...

China Celebrates Its Status As World’s Number One Polluter

10419 says...

Lets not all get too smug, it is only very recently China surpased the United States for most tons of emissions per year. Don't forget, USA is still number one for total polution contributed so far, more than China.

Impeach for hookers, but not Bush for ignoring Constitution?

Awesome Evil Mickey Mouse Short.

Students Visit Creation Museum

Worst Hockey Accident Ever! (Warning! Graphic!)

DAY of the Dead Trailer (2008 Remake)

Gasoline Truck Explosion

The CB Radio- The Original Internet Thread

Spencer Tunick, Nude Art

10419 says...

I would agree with persephone on this one. The pictures with the large amounts of bodies lying down looks like a crime scene of a genocide. The pictures with only a couple of models in them are beautiful though, probably because the photographer had to pick his frame more carefully knowing it had to be a good frame to draw peoples attension with out 100 naked people lying down.

Heaven's Gate Cult.

Team Fortress 2's Best Spy Kill Rampage Ever

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