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Off the Beaten Track

Barack Comments on the April 16 ABC Debate

Very intense Haka

Stupidest Guy on Earth Speaks Out

10419 says...

How come the maority of the American population believed the war in Iraq was justified at the time when the vast majority of developed countries could see right through the bullshit the Bush administration was putting forth by the truckloads? Even my Prime Minister could see it.

Maybe the detached observer has the clearest view and its harder to see straight when your in the midst of it, but really, saying you were lied to when the lied is that obvious doesnt quite cut it I think.

I know the majority of any population are retards, and in America especially, come come on, this is one big shit in the bed.

O'Reilly on the "Gay Agenda"

Ben Stein edition of Why do people laugh at creationists?

Hurdy Gurdy Man - Donovan

10419 says...

I always pictured the Hurdy Gurdy Man as some one who is maybe evil but in a subtle sense, like the mysterious stranger or something. turns out he is a nice man who plays a weird instrument.

T Rex - Children of the Revolution

136 mph Car Rally Jump

Dr. Strangelove - Major Kong Rides The Bomb

Protestors Scale the Cables of the Golden Gate Bridge

10419 says...

those protestors are of little help; if anything, they are making the situation worse. how you might ask? This protesting is more likely to cause the governmnet of China to beef up security and give them reason to act more brutal than they normally do in fear of looking bad during the olympics.

These security forces, however, will not be brutal to the rich tourist who will be bringing their dollars and euros with them, but to the people of china who the security forces will suspect most in trying to mess up the olympics. the worst part is that the poor people who live in China arent even told about what is going on in Tibet.

Professor Lewin Rocks!

Chupacabra Caught and Analyzed

10419 says...

pffft please, a coyote, fox or even a dog could never be strong enough to take down chickens or kittens. i dont believe that one bit.

It's great when they say that the dead chickens didnt have much blood left in them. Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't that what happens when you bleed to death? And doesnt blood tend to coagulate in a corpse. Jeez people are silly.

2001: A Space Odyssey -- original trailer

u.s war resisters hiding in canada

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