this is not film school

i vote if you watch more than 50% or (even 25) of a post that should be an automatic up vote. if people are not going to vote up some stuff, i wanta dame well know no ones getting a view of what im bringing to the table.
wazant says...

I'm not sure I agree. For example: sometimes, what seems like a cool video at first just turns into a lame commercial at the end. More than once, I've upvoted something after the first half, only to feel like a sucker when I get to the end and find out what it's _really_ about. Not that all commercials are automatically disqualified--some are great ("The Wind", for example).

grspec says...

Lurker-poker stick?!?! I want one damnit!

Also choggie, the non-vote, at least for me, is indifference. If I watch a vid and it doesn't float my boat, that doesn't mean it's worthy of a downvote, just a no vote. I bet if everyone changed their non-vote to a downvote you would have to change the name of this site to videodiscard becuase rarely would things esacape the queue. I know that I only upvote about a very small percentage of what I see, and the rest certainly don't deserve a downvote.

and Karaidl, he must be studying at the choggie/westy school of forum posting.

gorgonheap says...

Sometimes I just don't want to make a vote either way because I'm indifferent to the post or else I get hell for a downvote. Tracking "non-voters" is a bad idea because some asshole is eventually going to post a profile comment saying "hey dingle berry! You didn't vote my vid up and now it's in the trash! Just for that I'm downvoting one of your vids."

Stupid? yes, but it happens.

choggie says...

well....the down vote for me a couple times in the past has been a call-out....the response was overwhelming, lemme just say-
grspec, agreed....Indifference is the motivation that suits me....perhaps a .5 vote, to say, good luck, I only half am liking it.

I downvote sentiments regardless of viddy sometimes. Sometimes I down vote for Title.....because, the sentiment is embedded in the chosen title usually, and I would not let my kids say that at the dinner table kinna shit, that rubs me the wrong way.....Guess what? I have found the vibe is shared, simply unspoken, with others, they simply chose not to be real.

Touch me, I'm real.......mosttimes...

grspec says...

I think you are over analyzing things there choggie, it's pretty hard to get a real insight into what was intended or not just from a posted video or its title. I think the best way vote is with your gut, at least that is what I do. If I watch something and my gut says downvote, so it goes. Sometimes I will extend and extra moment of thought to it if I am feeling all tingly but 99% of the time I vote with my gut feeling before I over think it.

and gorgonheap it doesn't bother me when you downvote videos because it helps identify what you do and don't like and there is nothing wrong with that. As for the fact some people give you crap over it, in my case please don't mistake a friendly poke with a stab in the eye. Ant however has several lacerations from my previous attempts but I have almost figured out the method to his madness so I put my sharp stick away.

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