"View Comments" Revamp

We've rebuilt the comments page, to make it easier to find recent comments, where the action is. The recent comments at the top of the main VS site will bring you to the page.

I hope the way it works is pretty self-explanatory.

The [CH] link at the bottom of individual comments will also bring up a single member's comment history.

HAMFIST says...

Now that users can edit comments from both the video and the view comment views, would it make more sense to return the user to the page from which he clicked the "Edit this comment" link rather than to the comment thread as currently implemented?

Edit: Maybe the ideal solution is to make comment editing an AJAX behavior? ie:

1. User clicks "Edit this comment",
2. The relevant textual value of the comment div (identified by id attribute wholecomment[some integer]) becomes the value of a text field along with a 'submit comment' button,
3. User makes changes to the comment and clicks submit,
4. Upon clicking submit, the new comment value is POST'd to videosift asynchronously and the user is free to continue reviewing recent comments.

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