VideoSift Classic SiftBot Invocation
There are a few rules that go along with this new power.
- 1. Gold Stars only for now.
- 2. One promotion per week.
- 3. No promotion of your own videos
Siftbot will bring all promotions that meet these rules to the front page, once a day.
We'll put all of these rules together into the FAQ soon, and also give a bit of text on the front page to tell you when you are able to promote a video, so you will know when your week is up. There may be a few little hiccups with this feature, but I think it will be a nice enhancement to the site. Edit, the invocation is actually *promote, not *classic, sorry
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Speaking of these kinds of things. We were also considering a "*blog" command which would move a video into the blog for discussion. This could be used in a case where maybe the content is questionable and could warrant a discard, but should be discussed first.
After discussion, we could use the [asterisk]discard or return it to the front page with a "*return."
Yay, cool & thanks!
The 'starblog' command reminds me of the feature "Too much for Much?" on Canada's MuchMusic, where they would have the audience (and panellists?) debate/discuss whether risque music video should or should not be aired on the station.
I forsee Good Times.
As a practical measure, it'll probably be a good idea to recommend in the FAQ that people consider using the command during "slower" times of the day - basically avoiding the start of off-peak time when votes with "queue-1" votes (currently 7) pop up on the front page. Sometimes the whole front page refreshes, so your carefully selected 'classic' will get kicked into the ground in short order...
Having said that, will the 'classics' get sift-botted up at the same frequency as discards get discarded, or will it happen at a specified time?
Will there be a suggested minimum of vote totals for classics to be re-introduced?
Will there be some kind of "classic" label differentiation to let people know that it is one?
I guess this means that a classic will be subject to down-voting as much as up-voting.
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We were thinking on having the classics put up once a day, during an off-peak time. But open to suggestions on that.
We didn't put in a vote minimum, because we were thinking it would be useful in catching those good videos that are "under voted"
We don't have a differentiation other than the comment by siftbot, but maybe we should.
Hmm, offpeak is cool, but I recommend waiting for a few hours after the off-peak "start" time so it won't get lost in the initial "rush" when all the 7-vote videos pop up.
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Agreed Krupo, we'll try and time it to when everyone is having their morning beverage in the US, and then they can spray it all over their monitor from laughing.
FYI peak-times still correspond with US waking hours, but this seems to be shifting lately with Europe rising. Asia is still a bit of a low area.
Ok, so can a video receive multiple 'classic' vote? Will it keep staying on the front page. And could someone 'classic' a siftoff contest video, thereby putting it back into frontpage rotation?
I also think the 'classic' should work with the next sifting, because I tried to match up a classic with a newly frontpaged video, which could be cool.
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yes, classic can get voted up multiple times. Though probably won't in practice. We could make the classic work every hour ...
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You know, that's a good point JD. maybe we should have it once an hour, so they can be paired with current posts that have relevance. I think we should do that.
I mean how many gold star members are there, let alone how many are using 'classic'. I don't think it needs to be once a day. (Or even once an hour)
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Just to be clear JD, Gold Stars are only allowed to promote once a week. But siftbot will check once an hour for valid promotes. It's all a bit confusing, but it will all be clear after a while with a few examples under our belt. clarify, we can post a classic whenever we want, so as long as it's only once per week?
And will there be some sort of indication of when a classic was already posted, so as not a have successive posts? (I suppose I could just read the comments)
no I got that part about once a week and siftbot's magic. anyways, what if siftbot finds my third in one week 'classic'.. will it put a smart remark about over limit.. and then go on ignoring it. Or will it find it a week later and see that my once per week is now valid, then promote it, or does it check all new 'classic' in the last hour (since last check) and mark them checked (move or not based on program).
And it doesn't really matter what it does so feel free to ignore this. I was just curious in case I am bored and try to find the loophole.
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