VideoSift Classic SiftBot Invocation

Based on a request from Krupo, we have created a new SiftBot command "*promote" This can be used to promote an old, and perhaps under-appreciated video back to the front page from the depths of past VS posts.

There are a few rules that go along with this new power.

    1. Gold Stars only for now.

    2. One promotion per week.

    3. No promotion of your own videos

Siftbot will bring all promotions that meet these rules to the front page, once a day.

We'll put all of these rules together into the FAQ soon, and also give a bit of text on the front page to tell you when you are able to promote a video, so you will know when your week is up. There may be a few little hiccups with this feature, but I think it will be a nice enhancement to the site. Edit, the invocation is actually *promote, not *classic, sorry

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