Three-Letter-Word Bug?

Is there still a three-letter-word bug? I'm asking because I tried searching for "cat" and "jar" to locate an old post of mine last night. It did not turn up when I searched with the words together nor jar by itself. As for a separate search with “cat”, I decided going to sleep was a higher priority given the quantity of “cat videos on the Sift. Is anyone else still experiencing problems with three-letter-words? It has been a problem in the past. I see in reviewing "recent comments" that djsunkid located my original post.
dag says...

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searches use the title and tags. I suspect that three letter word searches work on tags but not on titles. This is an improvement over them working not at all as they used to. Some day it will all work. As soon as we get a Round tuit[tm].

choggie says...

So what did happen to cat jar?-Someone said it was a dot-dupe, then snaremop's expired in the queue-then I tried to evoke a save, then siftbot ripped me a new one, then I stayed up all night trying to get my cat out of a jar, theeeeen the mushrooms gave way to coffee, and here I am.

Did cat jar get resurrected? Great trick, that!

(I have to admit, I wound snaremop up a bit with a bit of the old, wind up the ass, ifyouknowhat,amen,)

lucky760 says...

Just wanted to make sure it's clear, for the record, that all searches currently do work regardless of query length, and .dude's search wasn't working only because he was searching for a discarded video.

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