Third Ever Videosift Meet Up

Hot on the heels of Meet Up #2 and a longer since the first, three sifters had a chance to meet up in person and say, "oh, so you're the other person I've seen online for months but never pictured as a human being".

This time securedesk and I drove out to Pearson International Airport, just outside Toronto, to meet up with Therealblankman who was in town for just one night. The occasion was a job interview - which apparently went very well - congrats!

therealblankman, securedesk, Krupo

It was a great little adventure - I got a call on my cell phone earlier in the day after we got in touch by e-mail - the Meet Up was on. Pints of Guinness were enjoyed and a conversation concerning life, the universe, and everything was enjoyed. In addition to that, the story of the Ranch Tooth was shared once more - and I was inspired to finally sift up the video.

I would've tried to get in touch with more sifters, but wasn't sure who's from Toronto aside from Maudlin and I was sort of rushing about finishing my assigned tasks at work all day long. Perhaps the 4th Meet Up will have four people?
firefly says...

Yeah, those admins are hogging valuable Sift talk real estate!
Y'know, rickegee and I are in the DC metro area, anyone else close by to make it "official?" (that is, if rick's interested too...)

Krupo says...

In loosely related news (loosely because they're not exactly in the same 'area'), I'm going to being in NYC in like three weeks - any sifters out there want to me up?


therealblankman says...

It really was a last minute whirlwind trip for me, found out about it late Tuesday afternoon, was on a plane Thursday, met up with the delightful securedesk and fellow balding, puffy white-guy krupo that evening for a grand total of 1 drink each, crashed early, had a breakfast meeting and was back on a plane early Friday afternoon. I was on the ground in Toronto for less than 14 hours in total, including sleepy-time.

Lessons learned... 1) securedesk and krupo are good people, 2) Toronto is cold in winter, 3) Air Canada sucks hard.

Next meet-up... VANCOUVER! Pigeon is local here it seems, anyone else up for it?

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