The Problem With The Queue

So, what's your problem with queue? Too many vids you don't want to look at? All 300 of them? There's 10 or 20 in there you'd really like to see though. But fuck if you're going to slog through 20 pages of crap to find one gem every other page or so.

Guess what - the solution is already in your hands. Just set your # vids per page to 5 or 10, and click every single show vid link you see. When you come across that title or thumbnail or username that gets your attention, right click that sucker into another tab and watch it. Or if you can't watch it right then, just bookmark it for later.

Now every vid you skipped over with those clicks is gone until it hits the front page because of someone else's poor taste. Soon, your view of the queue will span no more than one or two pages.

You too can live the dream.Just click that "hide videos you have viewed" button over there.
MINK says...

As dag has already stated, the aim here isn't to give each user an ideal sifting experience, the aim is to produce a front page and top 15 of better quality than youtube.

so stop complaining, and become a point on a big hivemind graph, your erratic behaviour smoothed out by the wisdom of the crowd. remember, the more effort you put in, the more you can skew the top 15... by 0.001%, or even 0.01% if you work hard. Then leechers and lurkers can benefit from your hard work by watching the popular vids, draining the system resources, and shortening siftbot's life by a million years.

If you really want to have some fun, you can even pay for the leechers bandwidth, by donating to the server fund.

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

*disclaimer- never said anything like that, ever. Mink are you a critic or a troll?

>> ^MINK:
As dag has already stated, the aim here isn't to give each user an ideal sifting experience, the aim is to produce a front page and top 15 of better quality than youtube.

MINK says...

oh dag, we've been over this.

"You would like the Sift to conform to your sifting habits. We want the front page to be where the fresh, good videos are- not buried on page 6 or in someone's profile."

"The metaphor of Sifting is to sieve out the very best videos for publishing on the front page. It's the primary machinery of the site."

"Individual best is subjective, but we arrive at a group "best" by voting. This is a voting site Mink. "

" Yes- it's a voting community Mink. I must admit to you in front of everyone that VideoSift uses voting to determine merit... and even that terribly bourgeois concept "popularity". "

"I am a fan of gray goo. Siftbot is manufacturing it in underground refineries in undisclosed locations."

yeah i know the last one was sarcastic.

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

I'm sorry, I missed the part where I said "the aim is to produce a front page and top 15 of better quality than youtube". Where was that exactly?

I would say that you are just being obtuse, but it's probably more a case of purposeful falsehood to illicit an emotional response. I appreciate criticism and discussion of our many issues- but when it comes to deliberate misquotes, I have to call it like I see it:

You're being a troll. It's beneath you - and I shall feed you no more.

MINK says...

dude i didn't originally directly quote you, i paraphrased. no quotemarks. if i misrepresented you, i apologise, and i'm interested in your correction.

we were talking about needing a high queue escape threshold, to get a good front page and top 15, better than youtube. i said that's the best thing about this site, the top 15 is better than youtube. i said if the priority is the top 15, sifting the cream of the cream, then you're doing well.

you weren't disagreeing with this, i actually thought we were understanding each other.

my sarcastic first post here is to highlight the problems in focussing on the votecounts and top 15. it doesn't reward the best people or expand the content on the site. but it gets you a fairly good top 15.

jonny says...

I originally had this in parody because of my cheeseball writing up there, but the message is serious. Empty your view of the queue by registering a view on everything in there. Just do it once, and from then on you will be able to find all that great stuff you want.

MINK - stop being a dick. Like I told dag, sometimes people do need to be yelled at, but not constantly. Sometimes a little sweet talk is more effective. Ok, so you're not yelling, but clearly you are poking very hard. I agree with your message, but it's getting lost in the rhetoric.

dag - don't take it so personally. Obviously MINK cares enough about the site to keep coming back and offering useful ideas and critiques. Try not to get hung up on the way he writes.

And both of you - stop hijacking my thread, dangit!

MINK says...

sorry man, to be honest i've never really cared that much if my truth is lost in my delivery. aries. go look it up.

aaaaand... back to the thread.

i think the idea of "viewing" for any other purpose than viewing is bad, and an example of why all these silly mechanisms have unwanted side effects.

i think the sift should have more like a dashboard or API for people to customise.

jonny says...

>> ^MINK:
sorry man, to be honest i've never really cared that much if my truth is lost in my delivery.

yeah, I noticed that.

i think the idea of "viewing" for any other purpose than viewing is bad, and an example of why all these silly mechanisms have unwanted side effects.

Why is it bad? If I stop watching a vid because I lose interest, it's the same thing and has the same effect. In this case, I'm just losing interest after the first second.

i think the sift should have more like a dashboard or API for people to customise.

agreed - but I'm pretty sure that would require a major design overhaul and a large amount of programming. I'm all for it, but I don't think Lucky would be very open to the idea of letting me poke around his code base.

I posted this so more people would be aware of the new tool at our disposal and how it could improve their sifting experience. Given that it was probably the very first feature I requested, my horn tootin' should come as no surprise. So far, I love it. My view of the queue now contains about 25 vids. And they are all ones I'd like to watch in the next day or two. I expect I'll fall behind now and then, and I would guess my strategy wouldn't work very well for people that don't visit the site daily. But I bet I'm not the only one who would find this useful.

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