Tech support? I got some plugin issues.

Here's my problem. College Humor-hosted vids don't load at all for me. When I click a "Show Video ^" link, nothing appears below the "minimize video v" link. This happens with a few other Video Sift Partner videos.

My Mozilla version string:
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.0; en-US; rv: Gecko/2008070208 Firefox/3.0.1

My flash version is 9.0 r124

Still running Win2K, haven't had the cash for either XP, and certainly not enough for Vista. Planning on getting XP when I do my next big system upgrade, though.

Anybody got any idea how to fix it? Could this be an add-on incompatibility? I use Adblock (version, FlashGot (, Google Toolbar (not that I ever use it), IE View Lite (1.3.3), ImageZoom (0.3.1), the Skype extension ( and TweakNetwork (1.3).

I feel like I'm losing out! Thanks in advance!
dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

1. Have you tried turning your computer off and back on again?
2. Are you still using your DVD-rom tray as a cup holder?

Seriously though - I'm not sure, your Flash version sounds recent- my guess is that it is a plug-in issue. Try updating to the very latest version of Flash though.

Tried Chrome?

berticus says...

Looks to me as though he's using the latest version of flash. All sorts of random hosts sometimes decide not to load for me, but it's usually because of something that the add-on NoScript is doing, and you're not using that. I'd do what dag suggests first -- try it in another browser. Also, try disabling the addons and see if that makes a difference? ... Failing that, make a statement against the evil that is Microsoft and torrent XP.

Are you able to view collegehumor vids on their site itself? I have a strange problem every now and then when a host's video just won't load and I have to actually visit their site and search for the damn video to be able to watch it. No idea why.

kagenin says...

Haven't tried Chrome yet, but one of these days I just might be tempted to.

I just visited, and the videos load there fine. I guess its just the ones that get embedded here that refuse to load.

I guess I'll have to search for the damn video like you do, Bert.

Thanks for the advice, guys, I really appreciate it.

berticus says...

It's not just you. It's something to do with the way videosift is outputting the code for the videos. Take this, for example. No video loads for me in FF3.0.1, but it does in Chrome/IE. When I looked at the page source I see this:

<div id="postembed-79477" class="post-embed"><object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="" width="540" height="303" ><param name="allowfullscreen" value="true" /><param name="movie" quality="best" value="" /></object></div>

There's no embed code in there, only object. Dag, lucky, is this a bug?

... p.s. why isn't html working for me in this comment? o_O
... p.p.s. i got html working by changing all the tags within the <code> block up there to &lt; and &gt; -_- was <div> freaking out the comment code somehow?

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

Hmm, that streetfighter one is working fine for me. You're right that it doesn't have the embed, just the object. But I don't think it needs the embed tag to function. How about security settings - do you have them set to a particularly high level? This might be one for Lucky - I'll send to him.

lucky760 says...

I'm using FF3.0.1 in XP and it works fine for me. Are you using the latest Flash? That's all I can imagine it might be.

P.S. You can't add attributes to your HTML; that's why your <a> tag didn't work (because of the rel="nofollow").

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