dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

Lots of people stay logged in all the time. I do, at least. But I know what you mean about wanting to find out where the party is.

We have an admin page that shows all of the comments in chronological order. I find that a lot more useful, for seeing what's been commented on in the last couple of hours. Maybe we can adapt this for general use.

SplinterOfChaos says...

Maybe what they could do is have like a "save" button. When that button is pressed, posting time becomes in relation to the time the button was pressed. And then the videos you've commented on (which I'm ussuming would be in a one-dimensional array) could be run through a for loop, putting up every video that has a time above zero.

Or Dag could just put that thing he said to general use and we could all write down the time we were last on and check every video.

Krupo says...

Yeah, what splinter said: all comments since your last "action" (voting or commenting)... you mentioned your preference for fostering community through comments, dag, and the ability to easily return to 'conversations' you're involved in would greatly facilitate that.

The extreme is to introduce "e-mail triggers" or individual RSS feeds for all comments; the 'easy ideal' is for videosift.com itself to produce such information at the click of a button. I wonder how much of a hassle that would be to code?

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

OK - we'll see what we can do. I think you would all really like chronological ordererd comments. The thing is, at the moment, it shows a maximum of 40 comments. Sometimes though, that only goes back 2 hours or less because of the high volume.

Likewise, if we did all comments since your last action, if you did something 24 hours ago, it would be a few hundred comments - so not that useful.

Krupo says...

Yeah, noticed the existing cut-offs...

Er, I should qualify the suggestion as all comments on videos you've already commented on (or, optionally, voted on). Those you've commented on would count as a sort of "subscription"...

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