Suggestion: Power Points awarded according to activity
Here's an idea -
How about Power Points being awarded according to a combination of:
I was just thinking how awesome it would be if Power Points were awarded not by time, but by activity of the users - that more active users should get more Power Points (or get them more often) instead of waiting by the clock.
Just a thought.
How about Power Points being awarded according to a combination of:
- time on VideoSift
- number of votes cast
- number of comments posted
I was just thinking how awesome it would be if Power Points were awarded not by time, but by activity of the users - that more active users should get more Power Points (or get them more often) instead of waiting by the clock.
Just a thought.
Nice idea. I'm not sure how to measure "time on videosift". # of comments might be pretty easy to game - it would be obvious to an extent, but still. Unsifted videos actually watched would be a really useful criterion, but I'm not sure if it's possible to verify that beyond the video being opened. Can siftbot determine the duration of videos?
Love it. Finally we must purge The Sift of all the old, broken-willed, burned-out members. The Sift has the next brood of cocks and hen, the young and energetic, who will rule the roost.
(But then they'll have to go back to school...:)
Awarding doogle with one star point for this contribution to Sift Talk - declared quality by schmawy.
>> ^schmawy:

Love it. Finally we must purge The Sift of all the old, broken-willed, burned-out members.
As far as I remember, that's what the nazis did to Germany...
It already sorta works that way because power points don't recharge if you don't use them, go on vacation for a week, etc.
you want to keep the playing field even. the people who sift very regularly can already throw their weight around. if you limit someone who can't spend every night or weekend on the sift then you start to disenfranchise those people. it really puts too much power in the sifting elite, and hurts the casual sifter.
Hmmm... Casual Sifters cant really throw their weight around though. Your typical "casual sifter" isn't going to have attained gold or higher to use their powers other than begging or opening a new queue slot. I think its a great Idea.
yay doogie!
I think it would have to be a bit more sinister than just
* time on VideoSift
* number of votes cast
* number of comments posted
The two last are a quantitative way to measure activity, but it would encourage voteing on everything, which would not necessarily be a good thing and it encourages spamming comments.
I do like the idea that powerpoint cooldown/powerup should be based on user activity instead of a flat number.
^ I never thought that we would just accumulate power points indefinably. I just thought that limits would stay what they are, but rather than having to wait 2 days for them to come back, you have to earn it back.
... As far as I remember, that's what the nazis did to Germany...
As far as "Godwins" go, that was about a 3. This is the Sift, good man, we expect better.
at this point, just like in the US of A, any change is good for the sift nation
Let's please not turn this into an MMORPG. All gold-50 stars and above are created equal by our lord SiftBot.
If these changes take place like they are being discussed, I vow to upvote every single video and comment that I see/have access to. As well as post a comment about the video and open a discussion/blog about it. I will also leave my computer open to Videosift at all times. If I am reprimanded for my behavior, I will slow it down just enough to not be banned.
It's a good point doogle but does ^this^ help explain why I have a problem with it? I am a casual sifter. I get on when I can and contribute when I can but I think something like this has the potential to completely overload the Sift. I don't think the Sift should be entirely about gaining rank. The privileges are limited for a reason.
can this be *sticky'd?
Invocations (sticky) cannot be called by doogle because doogle is not privileged - sorry.
I have not seen any reason as to why such a change is needed other than you think more active members should get more power points. Why? You have a solution in search of an unknown problem.
Spreading power points around in a normalized fashion as it is now is a good thing. It makes their use a more diverse investment. If you want to be able to earn more power points... donations anyone? If you want to prevent less active users from getting power points, I will ask again, why?
This idea is a double edged sword... On one hand, twiddles has a point considering that it would be unfair for those starting or low ranked and that if this idea is Ok'ed, there would be fewer donations... Though at the same time, for people who have worked hard to get to the higher ranks and star powers, they would be a higher reward than simple star abilities...
Personally, I'm for the idea (so that I can have fewer PQs), but cosidering everything in whole, I have do admit I'm with Twiddles...
oh yeah, great idea.... those people who obviously can spend a large amount of time on the sift will be even MORE rewarded than they already are. after all, let's reward the people who have more time on their hands.... they need all the encouragement possible to keep from running off and doing something you know, productive in the REAL WORLD. pfft.
Please. I've been stuck at 92 pts for like six months because, oh gee, I had a baby who turned out to never take a nap, I got sick and went to the hospital, I have friends who come over regularly, I try to sew in my spare time to keep up with Lil Miss, I have a family who expects home cooked meals at least occasionally, I like to go out once in a while, I read books, I have five blogs, etc etc etc
I've heard the top 15ers here say they often will spend days making sure their queue is always full by checking in HOURLY. Good gawdamighty. Great for them but what about the rest of us who don't LIVE on the sift, merely stop by occasionally to enjoy it? I'm fine being 92pts but don't punish me for having a life outside of here!
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