daphne says...

I noticed that a few of my comments disappeared after the last cleaning (I'm such a comment whore that I go back to see if anyone has replied...fnord) but I chalked it up to Internet Gremlins.

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

Hmm. Weird. I can tell you that we've never deleted any comments on purpose. How many comments? Do you know the videos they were on? I can try and find them.

daphne says...

The only one I remember distinctly was the one I posted to the winner of the May Sift-Off congratulating him. I only remember that one in particular because I thought of re-commenting...but I was afraid it would make me look hideously weird if the first comment ever reappeared. In retrospect, I now realize that MOST of my comment make me look hideously weird, so I probably needn't have worried. ;-)

I'm wondering if the "cleansing" happened at the same time I was posting comments. There were a few others, but I would have to really think about which videos they were. If you'd like to know in order to see what happened (and avoid any future isues) I can look.

**I just looked and the video is gone...it was on the page for the May SiftOff, which has probably been cleared. If it happens again, I'll let you know.****

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