Revver Videos

I got a call from a business development manager at Revver today. He would like us to include Revver videos in the mix. Has anyone had any experience with Revver?

His pitch was that a lot of artists (like emo girl and ask a ninja) are now posting exclusively to Revver, because they get paid for their content. Does that jibe with your experience?

Revver also has ads at the end of the video. And they also have an affiliate program where publishers share in the ad click revenue.
winkler1 says...

I watch Ninja and ZeFrank's the show, both use revver. Yeah, there's a small static ad at the end, I've gotten used to it. Don't even know if they're clickable. Guess it must be.

They use Quicktime though. So you'll have people not having QT installed... unless they're talking about transcoding to Flash?

The guys from Ninja were on Inside the Net and talked about why they went with Revver. It was a great interview- one of them is very up on the technology/distribution possibilities. The URL is I think, but it's 404 at the moment.

joedirt says...

winkler, it IS a flash player. Not quicktime.
<embed type="application/x-shockwave-flash" src="" pluginspage="" scale="noScale" salign="TL" bgcolor="#ffffff" flashvars="width=480&height=392&mediaId=80816&affiliateId=0&javascriptContext=true&skin URL= URL= URL=" wmode="transparent" height="392" width="480">

Anyways, why not enable them, and if you see it's all emo self link crap, you can revoke the ability to post from revver. I imagine you'll get a lot of revver's posting their videos, cause they get $$$ if millions watch their videos. So YT fans like the virtual fanbase they get, revvers get some pennies of clicks or ad views.

joedirt says...

I imagine you could also edit the submited embed tags and regex change the aaffiliateId=0 to a VS number, so you would get credit for views you bring to their videos. Maybe some pennies start flowing your way.

winkler1 says...

ah, Flash is good. Smart. Ze Frank uses QT, looks like Ninja switched over.

There will be a lot of crap, but there's good stuff. The one thing I wonder about: lots of YouTube are snippets of the best show segments. With Revver you'll have to link the the whole episode.

oohahh says...

I saw one video at Revver a month back that I was tempted to post here.

I'm tentatively for adding them to the menagery provided that the advertisements are at the end of the video (and stay that way)

LadyBug says...

what would be the advantage to adding them? you have to ask yourself: what's in it for VS (specifically you) ... like joe said, see if you can get a few greenbacks in your pocket for the merger.

darkrowan says...

small issues while reading thier FAQ: Why does this company sounds like one from the Dot Com era? I mean, reading the FAQ had be going through flashbacks to AllAdvantage and UtopiAD. *cringes* Don't get me wrong, ADs can make money, but this seems like a forces issue to get clicks.

winkler1 says...

I'm not in advertising/marketing, but I bet Revver can deliver the net-centric 25-40 audience that advertisers drool over. Who needs a TV when you've got the Sift?

What's cool about Revver is that it's a business model for folks like Ask A Ninja and Ze Frank to get a cut of the action. They can host and brand their own sites, and make them a destination. Ze Frank has a prominent notice to not post his stuff on YouTube.

Revver gives producers an alternative to posting on YouTube. Or, worse, have ebaum steal their stuff.

So, this may be a way for self-publishing to be profitable. The Ninja podcast is back up where they talk about their creative process and some business issues.. how they interact with their audience via social networks, plans to create DVD's. Viva la Evolution!

(I have no involvement with Revver, except as a fan of shows hosted there.)

winkler1 says...

An interesting talk by Revver founder Steven Starr at USC:

some notes...
Mentos / Diet Coke vid - sold $70,000 of ads. Creators got 35K.
Content is under a Creative Commons license from the creator.
Uses dynamic ad insertion - does a callback to server, for a single frame JPEG.
No ads if there isn't a 'net connection.
Rever has employees review submissions for copyright infrigement. Have only had one C&D, for 100,000 (?) pieces of content.
TV networks- putting shows online not easy. Have to negotiate with many stakeholders.
Lots of copyright liability discussions/legalese

Mickipedia says...

Hey folks. Micki here from Revver. You guys have quite the community building here and we're glad you're considering adding Revver videos to the pool. Seems to me that if you are trying to create a service where members can submit their favorite videos from across the web, you should do your best to allow inclusion of videos on all platforms. As you noted above, great creators like Ask A Ninja and Ze Frank are on Revver. A quick tour of our Editors Picks and you'll see we're the home of some really great independent videos.

We understand that some viewers don't love ads but that's why we put them at the end of the videos. And it's important to note that our ads support the creators. We split all revenue with our creators 50/50. We are building a marketplace that helps independent creators get paid for their work. So if you want to help support the people behind your favorite content, sharing Revver videos is a good way to do it.

We welcome you all to come check out Revver and let us know what you think! Our blog is a really good place to learn more about us:

Farhad2000 says...

You're telling me, Videosift will relay Revver ads to our users here with the videos as well?

But Artists like emo girl and ask a ninja seem to be producing serialized entertainment not particularly a field we cover for our users.

joedirt says...

farhad, go read their blog. their model as mentioned above is to host your video, and they put an ad / still image at the end of the video. The video author and revver split to ad revenue, so it pays to hosts your popular videos there.

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