Psuedo Categories and NSFW

We've had some really good ideas put forward on the way to handle categories. On the one hand, we don't want to "splinter" the focus of VideoSift, while we are still very much experiencing our juvenile growth spurt, but on the other hand, we now have reached the point where tags alone are not sufficient for classifying video.

So the way we thought we would do it, is to places some tick-boxes on the submit page for different categories. I call them "Psuedo" categories because they are not ghettoizing the video to any specific page. All videos designated as belonging to a particular category will still be viewable on the standard main page, however as was suggested in a thread here, we'd also like to create special areas like "" for people to view just music videos. All votes from these pages will count just the same, and music videos, for example, may be viewed from the subdomain, or mixed in with the other videos on the main site.

Here are the categories we are considering, but definitely wanted to open this up to suggetsion:

Other potential ones up that I thought up, but I'm not sure about: (we sure seem to like to talk about it) (would have to include Colbert as well)

Potentially Videos could be members of multiple categories. For example, a Daily Show clip might be in the Daily Show category as well as the Politics category.

Beyond categories, we'd also like to include an "NSFW" flagging system. NSFW content could be flagged on submission, or flagged by a gold star by "*NSFW". By default NSFW content would be sifted in for logged on members, but you would have the ability to sift it out with an option in your profile. Not logged on visitors would have NSFW content sifted out be default.

NSFW filtering would happen on the front page, queue, top videos, top 15 and search results. If someone navigates directly to an NSFW video (from an off-site link for example) the video will be viewable, but with a warning that it is NSFW.

HAMFIST says...

One suggestion I have is to setup a general purpose CNAME alias for * The benefit being you can then manage all of the subdomains with PHP -- not Apache.

Maybe the Daily Show/Colbert Report videos would be better put into and, depending on which is more relevant.

joedirt says...

I personally think it should be done by tags, so old ones, get included, but I suppose you could write a little script to update the dB based on existing tags. I also think the tags should be edittable by others to throw extra or correct ones on. This seems to be the default behavior on most sites.

As far as categories, what about "tv" and "ads". There seems to be a lot of commercials submitted, and tv could be for any tv show content, whether colbert clips, fam guy, etc. Also there are documentaries and shorts (animation might be too general)

Can I have a profile option to enable all NSFW so I don't get any warnings?

HAMFIST says...

I didn't understand the first part of your idea, joedirt. Are you suggesting that tags become categories or that tags become the subdomain?

In a manner of speaking, tags are already categories. The difference is that tags are free-flowing and specific whereas the categories currently under discussion are static and general. I should also point out that DNS naming is much more restrictive than tags in terms of legal characters. In other words, we can't create BONSAI_KITTENS!!!

You mention something else that is interesting. Could a video submission be associated with more than one category? For example, can an amusing TV advertisement be associated with both and

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

Yes, I wanted to do it so that a video could fall into multiple categories. I also agree that tv.videosift is too general. I really think that funny.videosift is too general as well, though I'm hearing that you don't.

We would try to retroactively categorize based on tags and the title as much as possible.

firefly says...

I don't think a separate category is needed for "ads" and "tv", just put them all under "tv"
If "tv" is too general, perhaps "classictv" and "moderntv" would work

and just to toss out some others:

"movies" "sports" "videogames" "nature" "9/11" and "comedy" (instead of funny)

joedirt says...

I meant that the pages displaying "music" would use the tag for display inclusion. From what I take from initial description, they are going to add checkboxes to Submit New Video. If you click music, then it will add a field in the dB to be displayed there.

You may avoid the whole DNS issue all together by adding tabs like fark has on the main page. All, Music, whatever tabs at the top of the page. (but more work maybe)

HAMFIST says...

I think a lot of this is for the PHP and interface engineers to figure out, joedirt. In some ways, it makes sense to separate categories from tags by putting them in another table. The user then has more room for (hopefully) useful tags. I would not qualify DNS as being an issue -- irregardless of what part of the request indicates display inclusion (a query parameter or a DNS alias), the PHP must still have awareness over 1. the category requested and 2. the videos which have been associated with that category.

Instead of, may I humbly suggest adopting a tiered approach? For example: (thermo-nuclear roflmao)

- Hammy Davis Jr.

dotdude says...

I am serious about addressing humor as some kind of category on here. "Funny" and "comedy" stood out when I looked at the tag cloud. I realize "funny" is a broad relative tag. Just as some folks gravitate to music or politics, there are others that gravitate to humor. Some suggestions have been made.

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