Pre-discard notification?

So this is like the umpteen billionth time that I've lost a video simply because of being busy and checking on it just too late to requeue it. Is there any way to possibly make it so that we got an email notification about fifteen minutes before it's going to run out of time or something?
drattus says...

That's a great idea but cybrbeast has a good point about more time or us manually setting it. Thunderbird I think defaults to 10 minutes between message checks and that might leave little time to get the message and requeue. I'd guess other programs would commonly run in a 10-15 minute range as well.

lucky760 says...

This feature has been added. For technical reasons (which are the ones I was hinting at above), it won't inform you at a specific time prior to video expiration, but will inform you some time between 1 and 2 hours prior to queued video expiration.

Please report if you get the email and it looks fine or if your queued video expires without you ever receiving it. Thanks.

drattus says...

MGR, I do have email accounts there and elsewhere web based but mostly as a backup address for when I change ISPs. In addition to what JAPR mentioned I still use Usenet on occasion. The free web based usenet interfaces from google and elsewhere tend to be limited so it makes sense for me to keep what I have for regular use since I'd be running it anyway. Each to their own I guess.

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