Personal Attacks?

I am just curious as to what the sift communities feelings are in regards to "Personal Attacks."

Just speaking with experience (I once moderated a small Hockey Forum) The key to community growth is to present a healthy and accepting environment(Try Encouraging the Rangers and Islanders fans to debate hockey and not each other)

Science, Sports, Religion, Politics, the Wild West.. the sift has the infrastructure to grow these collectives. As an outsider looking in, you can see the collectives could potentially be 40 healthy specialized communities growing around short video clips.

It really is up to the base community in regards to how big the sift wants to grow. Brian and Co. have been doing their best to tweak the software to make the sift more enjoyable for its members, but ultimately it's the strength of the community that determines it's growth.

The base community that we see and here everyday are quite tolerant with each other, but some of the random comment threads on the sift are chalk full of threadjacked debates that begin with personal attacks rather then informed discussions. Generally speaking this is the type of talk that hurts a communities growth the most.

If you enjoy this type of dialogue, don't see it as a problem, and don't wish for anything to change, my apologies. Just tweak this bud and I will go away. My thoughts are this youthful playground banter and razzing may be healthy interaction amoungst good friends. However Sift comment threads are extensions of the video being presented, and you would hope that they contain rational dialogue to attract members that some collectives wish to attract.

Now as far as I know this website is moderated by the sifters who have contributed the most. If these users have the power to ban somebody, it would be nice if these users also set the most positive example when commenting throughout the sift. I dont want to suggest another reason to siftquisition somebody, perhaps if we started warning people who are be fueling hateful discussion.

It's unfortunate when a video from the sift reaches a mass audience the first comment includes the submitter being smeared and harassed. When you personally attack someone on the sift, your not only potentially infuriating the guy on the other side of the keyboard, your certainly steering away lots of potential new sifters.

When the new sift comes out it will include "commentary voting." It might not be a good idea for us to promote etiquette when using this feature.

Here is my Suggestion:

- "Applaud Quality" - When you appreciate the comment and it's addition to the discussion.

- "Mark Inappropriate" - Messages that are inflammatory, extreme, divisive, incoherent, or otherwise inappropriate, like trolling and threadjacking.

- No Vote. If you simply don't agree with a users comment, simply don't vote either way.

So I present this discussion to you, and look forward to any responses.

Just my $1.25

James Roe says...

We're adding some limited comment moderation features in 3.0 to attempt to address this exact issue. We have certainly had more ad hominem than I find condusive to a positive atmosphere. However, I am not sure there is anyway to avoid that completely on the internets.

rembar says...

I agree with James and Grspec, personal attacks can't be stopped, they can only be limited, and as long as it's not really disrupting regular conversation I don't have a problem with a few jabs or prods, even in my direction. The internet isn't always serious business.

In addition, I'm not sure how Sift 3.0 will be handling the comment moderation, but I am strongly against anything resembling /.'s or Digg's comment rating systems, which are unreliable and basically technology-based forms of passive-aggression. I see comments as pretty much binary: there are comments that are ok and comments that are not ok.

pipp3355 says...

How about making ad homeniem a major offence which gets immediate probation and any offences after that gets bannation? You could put a brief explanation & warning at the comment writing page with a link to a more detailed explanation & warning. But I think the issue here is really about freedom of speech and whether or not such controls intefere with that in an acceptable way.

choggie says...

I volunteer my services, as an ombudsman. Already, I have a hard-on for the punk kiddies, who thrive on tossing matches into the dry-brush, to see what kind of alarms will be activated....I observe the most virulent of abuse coming from two camps: the trolls and lurkers, and certain atheists, who have yet to discover any error in their haze, or themselves.

You may remember me from such threads as..(the one that inspired this perhaps, that fedquip recently posted with two particular low-end cream-puffs, whom remain unnamed here, cause I'm already working their soft-tissue elsewhere), some of the 911 posts, and alll the times I have HALO dropped into a (can't really call it discussion), soapbox pulpit, whose unilateral crusade to abolish ignorance with regard to the prospect of a benevolent omni-being, digresses into imbecilic, der Fuhrer-esque comments,... the "holier than thou" God-boppers.

The shit is stupid, keep yer spirituality or the lack there-of, in yer basement, closet, or circle-jerk blog of fellow enthusiasts, hell....start a freekin' church.

Anyhow, y'all have but to send an alert my way, and I'll break em down, fast, slow, or, perhaps follow my instincts that lean towards giving a second chance, for the recalcitrant, humble, and repentant. Grandaddy said, if you are going to deal with hive of bees, smoke em' when you see them start to fuss, and be nice to the queen.....

I have eaten, of the royal jelly, skilled at how to get the workers to do my bidding......

And I disagree, with fedquip's suggestion, that we simply don't vote. I say, if the unfortunate situation arises, that yours or someone else's post, has drawn out some snot-nosed flake, who feels free to dice and slice a thread before it gets started, FLEX THE DOWNVOTE!! That is what it is for....for whatever reason you decide....If someone asks me why, I usually qualify it with an explanation, some don't, their prerogative . Too bad if the post dies in te queue....there are many, many more, than the 500 you think you need, and we can take over from there, with personal messages to the unbelievers. They will tire of their inability to garner acceptance from the community, and go back to their first-person shooter games, and into their mom's fridge, for another Mountain Dew.

James Roe says...

I will not second a choggie nomination. Without dipping into adhominem, you sir, would make THE WORST statesmen of anyone I have ever had the pleasure of not knowing in person. That said you do a wonderful job tracking down offenders. You just don't handle it with the grace and dignity that is a hallmark of public office.

The moderation in 3.0 will be like our sift talk stuff. You get awarded quality points for awesome comments, and you get downgraded for spam and abuse. Enough down grades and you are automatically hauled onto sift talk for a little community review.

choggie says...

Thanks for the props, baby. That was intended as always, to deliver the kernel, riding on a cob.

From now on, you will see all ad-hom cease from this appreciative user, unless the hackles are raised to the point, that my ass-showing tendencies, take over.....

Anyone wanna place odds on the date, when choggie will be dragged kicking and screaming, into the principal's office, for abuse......I can assure you, I will do it with more dignity, than some of the folks I have brought, or helped to bring here.....and fedquip, while my sentiments remain steadfast regarding my personal beef, I can say that I appreciate your presence here, in many ways, and am glad you remained. Upon reflection, I would have done it much differently, had I not been so moved, on a visceral level.

Fluid dynamics

rembar says...

Public officers are known for handling situations with grace and dignity? Hmmm....

Also, I really, really wouldn't support Pipp's suggestion, a few snide comments here and there is not reason enough to be probating and banning anyone.

gorgonheap says...

I agree a general sense of manners and hospitality needs to be present in the community. I also feel friendly banter is what make me so engrossed with the sift. A applaud fedquip on the post.

However I must disagree with a neutral vote. That will just keep crap on the sift that should be nixed. i.e. there is a post over a year old on this sift that has 0 votes. two more down and it's off the sift. (And in my honest opinion is where it should stay.)

Things change, if the Sift lives to be a hundred no one is going to give a damn about all the Paris Hilton videos or others related to current events that had little impact on todays society.

Neutral voting is a way of turning Videosift into a cesspool.

This brings me to comment voting. I hate the idea of having to justify why I vote for something. It already pisses me off that everyone and their dog wants to know why I didn't fall head over heals for their video. (Not to mention I don't want e-mails every couple of hours with a comment saying "nice vid." or "you suck."

Vote for Pedro

choggie says...

yeah. peoples, flex that down vote, like some schmengele has been doing with many of my viddies, for no apparent reason except to push the buttons......we know who we are, and it aint, aint!!

How's that dodging the sacred cow of Ad Hom??? Oh and dingleberry we are just starting........

bighead says...

good point dotedude i agree i bet no one will get axed except the real suckers. it would be a chance for people to quickly express themselves without getting into it. just a simple up or down vote sounds cool.

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