Parody of the SiftTalk?
Should this be a parody of what happens on the regular SiftTalk or do sifters want some serious topics here? or maybe a bit of both? What say you fellow jesters of the Sift? Oh, and remember "many a truth are said in jest . . ."
Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)
good idea.
you're *banned dude.
dotdude cannot be banned because star accounts are immune to banination - ignoring ban request by jonny.
I like the concept.
I say we get a good old fashioned roast going-The way we choose the victim, is everyone who wants to play, puts their avi in the pot-we spin the wheel, and the lucky sifter, becomes the sifted, no holds, balls busted and burnt-could be some great fun, I nominate karaidl for first roastee-then we can put our names in the hat, after we try it on him.....?!
karaidl has been nominated for the "first roastee". Is there a Sifter/Jester who wishes to second that e-motion?
it seconds the motion
All in flavor?
I meant favor . . . say EYE . . .
Wait . . . wait . . . did anyone need discussion on this matter? (choo . . . choo . . . choo . . .)
. . . OK . . . now say EYE . . .
-- new rule: no more drunk posting. --
We need more drunken posting. All who object will be subject to an infernal Siftquisition where the user is forced to find replacements for dead Fox clips.
What a buncha losers.
jonny, at least you didn't start a thread that earned 2o responses or so. Another of our esteemed sifters embarrassed himself quite royally and entertained us quite thoroughly.

Any other discussions, toasts, quips, jabs, punches, cheers, jeers?
Did I omit anything?
No more drunken comments from me, that is. I've had to retract a few really stupid things, though I've left plenty of my less than inspired comments around.

at least you didn't start a thread that earned 2o responses or so
heh, thankfully not!
It was more that is was rather petty as opposed to not funny. I suppose it's saved someplace in the bowels of the VS database though. It was truly inappropriate.
Are there any other ideas that we should consider here on ParodyTalk?
All Roast discussions are hereby continued in this thread.
Please join MC mlx and the roasting crew for the official roast of choggie now in progress.
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