New Member Profile Features - Add a Flickr Photo - and More

We've beefed up some of the community features, as that's the most important part of VS for us. You can now add a Flickr photo to your profile, which also shows up as a thumbnail in your comments. We chose Flickr because they can do the image moderation for us. (keeping out the porn)

Also, you can add your favorite tags, and all-time favorite VideoSift Video.

We're going to create a "Featured Member" box on the front page displaying some of this information, on a rotational basis.

So, go here and soup up your profile - we want to know what you look like! (I think ... )
James Roe says...

Hey, we are sticking to flickr for the time being. The main reason being that they already have moderating set up for "naughty" images. If you know of some other hosting service that has image filtering we would be willing to consider it, but we are trying to keep VideoSift clean with out adding the extra hassle of approving every avatar. We are willing to look at different sizes for the avatars as well, but I personally think that if we made them much smaller it would be hard to tell what you were looking at, we are certainly open to suggestions, what would be the ideal pixel size for you?

James Roe says...

We have gotten a report that there are some problems with the images not working in the Recent Comments if you are running IE, I will be investigating it. In the mean time of course you could always switch to firefox, ;-)

daphne says...

This might be a silly suggestion, but if someone is having trouble they might want to make sure the URL is correct. There is no .jpg on the end of the properties address from Flickr, and the user has to type it in manually to link to the image.

Of course, that might not be the problem. Just thought I would point it out. I'm good at pointing out the obvious.

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

OK, flickr avatars are pretty much fixed. For some reason, they are not showing up in the "recent comments" page for IE. If we have any CSS wizards on board who would like to diagnose that issue, please let us know, otherwise ... switch to Firefox (broken record)

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